Chapter 45

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3 weeks later

I can't believe how much Ronnie has grown in the last three months, he lifts his head when we do tummy time with him. He watches everything around him, he especially watches Marshall. He is such a little daddy's boy it's so adorable, the second Marshall walks into the room he watches him like a hawk and doesn't take his eyes off him.

Ronnie and I are out on the patio hanging out and getting some fresh air when the patio door opens, of course, Ronnie turns to see his dad walking up towards us, he starts to smile and gets all excited and squirmy.

"Hey buddy, do you miss me?" Marshall smiled at him before extending his arms out to grab him.

"I swear I think he loves you more than me." I joked.

"It is possible, I mean I am pretty awesome." Marshall joked back smiling at me.

"I'm serious though, he doesn't get all excited like that for me unless he knows he's about to get fed," I admitted.

"Hey, I'd be pretty happy and excited if every time I was hungry I saw boobs too." Marshall smiled looking back at Ronnie slightly bouncing him.

"What a typical man," I smirked rolling my eyes.

"How are sales on side B doing?" I asked  (Music to be murdered by side B)

"Great it's huge rate now, I guess because of the pandemic and stuff it's been a big hit." Marshall told me, I couldn't be happier for him. He's worked hard to get to where he is and I'm so proud of him!

"So babe I had this dream the other night..." Marshall started.

"What was it about?" I asked curiously, he sat down next to me.

"Ha uhh so I had this dream that you got pregnant again and instead of 1 baby you were having twins." Marshall started,

"Oh heck no!" I said

"Ha babe it was crazy tho because Ronnie was still this size and you were like huge, you had to be like 8 or 9 months along." Marshall continued

"Is this you're way of telling me you want to have more kids?" I asked him firmly yet curiously.

"Uh I don't know, I mean we have Ava, and we have Ronnie who's still pretty new. I'm good with whatever you are babe." He told me, and I could tell he loved being a dad he has been amazing with juggling his career and the kids and me.

"Well, what else happened in this dream?" I pushed for more answers.

"We were in this beautiful house and I walked down the stairs to see you cooking breakfast, Ronnie was sitting in his little bouncer on the island and I came in and you had this huge pregnant belly and I just remembered looking at you like 'Damn, how did I get so lucky and I walked up and kissed you." Marshall finished telling me, and I'd be lying if I say my heart didn't skip a beat or I didn't feel butterflies as he was telling me, I scooted closer to him. Ronnie was just looking at Marshall and I talk,

"What do you think about that one buddy?" Marshall asked him, Ronnie just cooed at him.

"Oh yeah?" Marshall smirked before looking at me,

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