Chapter 18

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We finally have names picked out, the nurse came into check on Chelsey and soon after they started bringing stuff into the room. We knew that meant she was getting close to delivery.  My mom took Lily out to the waiting room. I sat with Chelsey and tried keeping her calm. 

"Your at eight and a half cm's" the nurse told us.   I pulled Chelsey into my chest and rocked her back and fourth trying to keep her comfortable  she sat and told me how excited she was to finally become a mother. 

"Babe, I can't even thank you enough for making me a dad, all I have ever wanted was to have my own kids and show them all the love and affection I was denied in my childhood.

I want to teach them how to walk, talk, ride a bike, Im going to teach baby Ronnie to play sports, I want to help them with their homework, lay and cuddle with them as we all watch movies together.  I want to be the father that I never had and I'm so grateful that I get to experience this with you babe, I love you." I kissed her on the forehead then again on the lips.  

We waited for about 45 minutes before the nurse came back in and told us that Chelsey was finally at 10 Cm's some more nurses came in and the doctor came in and started getting ready for this next chapter in our lives I stood up and one of the nurses asked of I would hold one of her legs, I held her leg and held her hand.

The doctor instructed her on what to do and when to push.  Finally was the moment we had been waiting for, Chelsey began to push I tried couching her though it but she was doing amazing I was so proud of her, she is such a strong beautiful woman and finally about to become a mother. 

"Marshall do you want to watch your baby being born?" The Dr asked I looked over and saw the baby's head start coming out.   Oh my God, that's our baby, it hit me like a ton of bricks. 

"Keep going baby, your doing so good honey I'm so proud of you!" I looked up at her I was in awe watching our baby being born I rushed up by Chelsey's head and gave her a huge kiss and held her tight in my arms that's when we finally heard it, our baby's first cry.  I looked at Chelsey who was beginning to cry, I couldn't help it I shed a few tears and kissed her again. 

"Congrats mom and dad its a baby girl." The doctor said holding our newborn baby up so we can see,  

"Oh my God Marshall, oh shes so beautiful!" She cried into my shoulder I kissed her and told her that she got that from her mother and smiled at her.  The Dr laid our daughter on Chelsey's stomach, we looked at her and cried, and smiled then cried some more. It was such a breathtaking moment. 

"Dad would you like to come cut the umbilical cord?" The Dr asked I nodded and kissed Chelsey's cheek before going down and helping the nurse cut the umbilical cord.

 The nurse asked if she could take her and get her cleaned up, Chelsey handed Ava over to the nurse. I kissed Chelsey and told her how proud I am of her, after a few minutes the nurse handed me our daughter, she was wrapped up in a blanket and had a pink beanie on. 

I looked down at her and smiled, 'this is my daughter'  I thought to myself, Oh my gosh I have a daughter.   I brought her over to Chelsey and handed Ava to her. 

"So does she have a name yet?" The nurse asked 

"Yeah, her name is Ava." I smiled

"Ava Jade Mathers" Chelsey smiled looking at me, I leaned over and kissed them both. 

"Baby Ava was born at 11:47pm and weighed 6.3 pounds" The nurse informed us. 

I went to get my mom from the waiting room, I walked out and her and Lily ran up to me

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I went to get my mom from the waiting room, I walked out and her and Lily ran up to me.

"Is the baby here?" Lily asked excitedly

"Yeah honey the baby's here, do you wanna go in and see her?" I smiled 

"Yeah!" Lily jumped for joy we start walking

"How was the delivery?" My mom asked me

"It was good, oh my God mom it was incredible, I watched our baby being born and it was unbelievable." I smiled telling my mom. 

"Awe honey, I'm so happy for you!" She hugged me. We got to the door, I opened it and I saw my Beautiful future wife and my daughter, Chelsey looked up and smiled. 

"Oh my gosh!" My mom gasped, they walked up to the bed and looked at our new addition to the family I picked Lily up.

"Mom, Lily this is our daughter Ava." I smiled.

"Oh honey she's so beautiful!" My mom started tearing up. 

"Can I hold her?" Lily asked I sat down on the edge of the bed and put Lily between us I tell her to be very careful Chelsey starts handing Ava to Lily. 

•Chelsey's Point of view•

I look over at Marshall, Lily and Ava and my heart melts, the glow around Marshall rate now is amazing, I see how much Marshall already loves her. Lily holding Ava is so adorable she has a huge smile on her face and is so happy to be a Aunt.  

Debbie comes over and hugs me, she smiled at the sight of her son and daughter with her grandchild.  Marshall looks up and smiles at me, I am so in love with this man! I never knew I could love someone so much in my life until Marshall came into to it, and Ava is a creation of our love for eachother.

 She's perfect, she has my hair color, she has Marshall's eyes and nose she's the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. 

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