Chapter 17

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Chelsey's Due date is in 2 days and we are both so excited. I've been going to the studio as much as I can to be able to make as much music as I can before the baby comes,  because once he or she is born I'm going to want to stay at home.

Even though I can't anyway because I work every day then come home then go to the studio maybe it seems selfish but I want to be able to provide for my family before our baby is born.

I get home from work and Chelsey was all I could think of she was always on my mind but today was a bit different I don't know why but I just felt like something was going to happen.

I got home and showered and went to the studio for a few hours, I kept my phone volume up because I knew that if she went into labor she was going to want to get ahold of me. I left the studio and started walking home, I got in the house and noticed Chelsey wasn't in our room, she wasn't in the living room.

I went into Lily's room and found both of my girls asleep in Lily's bed I quietly woke up Chelsey and told her I was home, she insisted on coming into our bed.

I placed my head down next to her belly and I slowly rubbed my hand across it smiling I wanted to be the father that I never had I wanted our baby to know that no matter what I was going to be there for him or her and Chelsey whenever they needed me.

Chelsey fell back asleep and I still continued to rub and kiss her belly I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew Chelsey was waking me up.

"Marshall, babe wake up." I heard

"yeah?" I say repositioning myself rubbing my eyes and yawning

"I think I'm going into labor." she told me, I got up and told her to go get ready and I'll go wake up Lily, I walk into her room,

"Lily, baby girl we gotta get up." She didn't move, so I tried again.

"Lily, baby we have to get up." I tried Lily slowly opened her eyes.

"Why?" She asked in a groggy voice.

"We have to go take Chelsey to the hospital honey. " I told her.

"Marshall" I heard Chelsey yell, I ran out of Lily's room into our room.

"Babe my water just broke." Chelsey said looking down at her sweatpants that were wet I quickly went over to the dresser and threw her a pair of my sweatpants, I don't know why but she liked wearing mine more than her own anyway so I figured that I'd let her wear something she's comfortable in.

I help her into my sweatpants and go check on Lily, I helped Lily get changed and bring her into our bedroom. I go check for Chelsey and I find her in the bathroom..... Doing her makup.

"Really?" I asked her.

"Yeah, there's going to be pictures and everything I want to make sure I look at least partly decent." She told me I wasn't about to argue with her she finished up her quick makeup job and I picked up Lily and we went out to the car.

We got to the hospital and Chelsey was booked into a room, I decided to call my mom and let her know that we were at the hospital she told me she'd be up here soon. I sat next to the bed and held Chelsey's hand, she was doing so good.   Lily wanted me to hold her so I sat her on my lap, she fell asleep on me not too long after getting Chelsey into a room.

"Hey everyone, quite the excitement tonight huh?" A nurse walked into the room she checked to see how dilated Chelsey was and found out that she's about 5cm's.

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