Chapter 7

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°•3 months later•°

I've been so excited Chelsey started showing she had this adorable little baby bump that is so cute everyone is so happy for us,  my music is really coming together and I feel good about this I just need someone to take me seriously as a MC. 

•Chelsey's point of view•

I walked in after a long day of work and saw Marshall with Proof, Future and the rest of the guys sitting in the living room talking I walked in and slipped off my shoes and put my jacket away. 

"She does have a little bump goin on." Proof smiled looking at my growing baby belly.

"I know, our baby is growin" Marshall smiled getting up off the chair walking over to me. He placed his hand on my belly and gave me a kiss.
I smiled and told him I was going to go get changed I walked into the bedroom, Marshall walked in a bit later and came up and hugged me from behind.

"I love you so much hunny!" He whispered in my ear.

"I love you too sweetheart!" I turned and kissed his lips he looked down  and keeled to the floor and kissed my belly.

"I'm so happy babe I just want you to know that I'm going to do everything I can to make sure you and our baby has the best life possible." He smiled looking up at me  he laid both of his hands on either side of my bump and kissed my bare belly. 

I felt butterflies though my body. I knew he was so excited to be a dad but I also knew how much it meant to him that his music took off. 

We went out and sat down in the living room next to Marshall he smiled as he put his arm around me. 

"You excited?" Cheddar asked me while all his friends looked down admiring my belly. 

"Yeah, we're really excited we just have to start getting ready for our little one." I smiled. 

"We have to paint the guest room and make it into the baby's room" Marshall added.

"You know having a baby is such a big responsibility I just hope you are ready for it." Iz added in. Marshall and I looked at each other nervously we knew it was a big responsibility and knew how difficult it was going to be raising a child but we were ready.
Marshall decided to call it a early night he worked on his music with Future and Proof for a while. 

The next morning I got ready and looked at my gas gauge, I had to go get gas before work, I went in and got some coffee and  I was standing in line when I heard someone say my name behind me,

"Keenan?" I asked turning around. I recognized him, I met him years ago when I went home to visit my family. Keenan and I used to be close.

"How have you been?" He asked excitedly

"I've been good, finally getting settled down what about you?" I smiled

"Good I've been working on my music and it's been great." He told me standing behind me in line

"Really? That's great congratulations!  Hey I have a question for you my boyfriend has been trying to get his music started and I was just wondering if you could maybe help us out?" I asked thinking this could be great for Marshall.

"Yeah for sure! Here's my phone number tell him to give me a call." Keenan offered smiling

"Oh my gosh thank you so much!" I smiled setting my stuff on the counter.

"Yeah of course, anything for a friend." He smiled handing me the piece of paper with his number on it.

"Well it was great to see you again!" I started walking out of the gas station. 

After work that night I came in and told Marshall about who I ran into at the gas station earlier this morning,
Marshall started getting excited about my news.

The next few days Keenan and Marshall started hanging out and things started to look up. Keenan and Marshall spent alot of time in the recording studio,  they have been getting along great they were into the same kind of music, Keenan gave Marshall's demo to some music producers he knew and even a few radio stations  Marshall's been working really hard writing music and putting more demos together.

☆Please Vote and comment it is a huge motivation for me! Thank you!☆

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