c h a p t e r - 27

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Okay so basically above is what Brooklyn looks like now. She dyed her hair blonde, and stuff. She's still really cute, yeah, but whatever.
idek what this chapter is
I'm so sorry lol it's honestly so dumb im just ugh
Here we go
dedication : castyles
bc she slays all w her awesomeness! You go girly.
you could break my heart into millions of tiny little pieces,
and i would still put the shards back into your hands.
c h a p t e r - t w e n t y - s e v e n
-- Brooklyn's Point Of View --
"Have you eaten anything?" Harry asked quietly just as Matt went upstairs. I hesitated, and shook my head. Harry sighed, and led me to the kitchen. I sat on the counter, swinging my legs.
"Why?" He asked.
I brought my head up, "Huh?" I muttered, confused.
"Why would you do this to yourself?! Drink, smoke, starve?!" Harry asked, a sad look in his eyes.
"The drinking was to forget, so was the smoking. The starving was.... You know what it was." I admitted. He came closer to me, and put his hands on my hips. I gasped, throughout these three weeks, my feelings had grown so much. But I couldn't fall for him again, I just couldn't.
"Brooklyn, look at me." He said. I slowly looked up at him, into his glowing green eyes. "I miss you." He breathed out. I nodded my head. "I know, and you know, that what we had was real. It wasn't baby love, Brooke, it was fucking real. And I miss it." He continued.
I gulped, where was he going with this?
"You're beautiful. You are so god damn beautiful, Brooklyn Davis. And I'll say that as many times as I need to. Because Brooklyn, I love you. So much." He gushed out. My eyes widened, as he slowly leaned in. My nerves were at an all time high, my brain was overloading.
I had been through so much, too much. And Harry was the only thing that made me happy. And I deserve to be happy.
"Fuck it." I whispered, and crashed my lips onto his.
- END -
"Brooklyn? Brook?" I heard someone say, snapping me out of my thoughts. It was Harry, leaning against my kitchen counter. Holy shit. We didn't kiss. Why was I day dreaming about that??
My face immediately went a dark shade of red, and Harry smirked. "Well, well, well, what were you thinking about?" He chuckled. "Nothing!" I said quickly, taking bread out of the toaster. I bit into it, "Yum!" I said, eager to change the subject.
He threw his head back and laughed, "Obviously it was me!" He said. I scoffed, "you wish."
"I like your new hair a lot.." He muttered, picking up a strand of my newly dyed blonde hair. I giggled, "thank you."
"And you wear your glasses much more often." He said, softly outlining the rim of my glasses. "You know, your eyes change color." He said. I gave him a weird look, confused.
"No, I'm serious!" Harry said. "When you're, like really, really, happy, they're more blue. And when you're not, they turn kind of green. But they look really cute with your blonde hair. You should keep the blonde hair." He said. I blushed, nodding my head.
"So, um, are you, like, doing anything tonight, maybe?" He questioned. I raised my eyebrows, "If you're asking me in a date, then Harry.... We've been over this.
I can't date you again." I said, walking past him. He groaned, "Why not?!"
I gave him a look, and he frowned, "I was just trying to protect you, Brook! That's all I was trying to do."
I pursed my lips, "I know."
*** Harry's Point Of View**
I sat on the couch, staring at Brooklyn. She looked so damn beautiful, her hair was blonde now. But it wasn't, like, a slutty blonde. It was a really pretty, perfect, blonde. Her eyes were green nowadays, and she always wore her glasses. She used to hate her glasses, but personally, I loved them.
Regardless of wether she wanted to date or not, I still had to work my plan. I had to let her know how truly sorry I was. "Well." She sighed, sitting up from where we were watching a movie. "I have to go to work. I'll be home around nine thirty ish." She said, walking out the door.
I smirked to myself, and pulled out my phone. I unlocked it, and quickly pulled up Louis' contact, calling him.
"Hello? Louis? Yeah, it's time to start. Bring the boys..."
** Brooklyn's Point Of View **
I smiled, locking the hair shop. I don't why I was so happy nowadays. 'It is not Harry' I reminded myself.
I tied my blonde hair up, unlocking my little car. As I drove home, I couldn't help but feel excited about getting to see Harry again. What the hell was wrong with me? He broke my heart!
But he also came home, and helped my quit all my bad habits. I smiled, remembering two weeks ago when he brought me to the pharmacy..
' Harry held my hand, leading me down the pharmacy aisles. "I know it'll be hard to quit, but this'll help. Zayn used these a lot." He said, handing me a pack of nicotine gum for people trying to quit. I smiled, and gladly accepted it. As we sat in the car, he pulled out two brochures. "And, maybe it would help if you got some help, you know? I just want you to be happy.." He said, handing me the packets. One was for eating disorders, a group therapy and individual therapy session pass for it. The other was alcohol abuse sessions. I smiled gently, placing them in my bag. I knew I had to stop. "Thank you, Harry. So much." He just grinned, and started the car.'
As I pulled into the driveway, i furrowed my eyebrows. There was a lit up pathway, leading to the backyard. As I got out of the car, I saw little arrows pointing to the path. I shrugged, and followed it. As I entered the backyard, I gasped. "Wow." I breathed out.
Fairy lights lit up the backyard, strung in trees, and on the table in the center. There was a table, and two chairs side by side, like Harry always sat. I smiled, seeing a smiling Harry casually seated in one of the chairs. As I sat down he spoke, "This doesn't have to be a date. I just want you to know how sorry I am." He said.
"This is wonderful. It's so, so, so, beautiful. And thank you. For, you know, respecting my choices and everything. But, I already forgave you!" I said. He shrugged, "Yeah but, what I did was terrible. Even if it was for you."
I bit my lip, and stared at him. He started to lean in, and I quickly backed up, "Okay! Food!" I said, quickly stabbing my fork into the lasagna that was on the table.
He chuckled, taking a bite himself. We spent the rest of the night randomly talking.
After we finished, Harry got up, pulling me up along with him. We walked in silence for a few moments, before Harry led me to a very familiar place. My special place. Where I had taken him the first few days we met.
I smiled, staring at him, "You remembered?"
He grinned, "Duh."
He laid across the grass, and I laid next to him. I rested my head on his arm, subconsciously leaning into his chest. 'Just friends, just friends,' I repeated in my head. We stared up at the stars. They were beautiful, scattered along the night blue sky. The grass tickles my arms, but I didn't mind.
"I wanted to go after you." Harry said randomly. I shifted my face, to look over at him, confused. He was staring up at the sky, emerald eyes focused on the glittering stars. He gulped, "I wanted to go after you."
I stayed quiet, suddenly understanding what he was talking about. Was he explaining everything, in depth, now?
"I wanted to after you. I just watched you leave. Watched you walk out. I should've done something. I wanted to, Brooklyn, believe me. But I didn't want you to get hurt. The, uh, day you awoke in the hospital, Chelsea was there. I was sad, and distraught, I just wanted you to be okay. I was blaming myself, and my mind wasn't okay. She came in and started bitching about everything. How Blake is her brother, and how she was going to make him hurt you if I didn't do what she said. And I was just so sad, I listened to her. But all I wanted was your safety. And it killed me, when I had to be mean to you. I just wanted to hold you and kiss you. And then, when Niall was all close with you, and he kissed you, I just broke. So after you left, I thought maybe you'd be better off without me. In less danger. And I'm so sorry it took me three years to realize this, but I need you and you need me." He explained.
My heart was thumping wildly in my chest. Holy shit. Wow. I felt so bad. For leaving him, for letting Niall kiss me. For everything. I loved him. I love him. I still do.
He shifted over, turning towards me, "I love you." He whispered.
"Even after all this time?" I said back, gulping.
He smiled softly at me, his green eyes sparkling, "Always."
Hi guys.
Chapter 27

k bye

ps ily
pps thank you for reading v much
ppps i like cookies

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