c h a p t e r - 10

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and suddenly, you became my sunshine.


Chap. 10

*Brooklyn's P.O.V*

I sighed, flopping onto the bed, wincing as I landed on a particularly large bruise. I was trying to find a suitable outfit to wear, as the boys had asked me to come with them to a signing today. I didn't understand why they even had one today, considering tour started tomorrow.

The weather outside had dropped considerably, the air was a chilly frost. I settled for my sweater that said "Hipsta Please" and black skinny jeans. I brushed my hair, braiding it to the side. I started on makeup, doing the usual. Just some foundation, concealer, eyeliner, mascara, and some baby lips. I grabbed my purse, slipped my black Vans on, and stepped out of my room.

I saw Harry exit his, and he speed walked over to me. "Hey. Sleep well?" He asked. My actions worked before my mind could, and I pulled him in for a hug. "Thank you so much. No one, and I mean no one, had ever done anything like that for me." I say, blushing. He simply smiled at me. "It's no problem, like I said before, you deserve better" he spoke. I smiled gratefully. Seconds later, he burst out laughing. I looked at him confused. Was he laughing at me? What the hell.

"We.." He tried to continue, but failed due to his adorable laughter spewing out of his mouth. He's amazing. Wait what? What am I saying. What he did for me last night, was absolutely amazing. No one has ever done that.

"We're twinning, Brook" he chuckled. I looked at his outfit, and laughed when I realized he was wearing his half sleeve shirt saying "Hipsta Please", with black skinny jeans. "Oh my gosh!!" I laughed. We walked downstairs, where the boys were waiting. "Well hello twins" Niall winked.

I giggled. "This" I said motioning between Harry and I, "Was not planned." I said. We all grabbed our things and went out the door.

The car ride was silent, but comfortable. It was about 20 minutes. "We're here!" Liam announced. As the boys tumbled out of the car, Harry pulled my arm. "Erm.. Love, the fans can get a bit extreme... And some of them don't exactly like girls with us.. And they might say some harmful things, but don't listen to them okay? You're wonderful." He said, worry clouding his beautiful eyes. 'Nothing I haven't heard before' I thought to myself. But I simply nodded, "Okay."

Damn, was he right about the whole extreme thing. I'm pretty sure my ears are about to burst from the all the yelling. The boys and I were ushered in through the back door. As we walked through the hallway, fear filled me. What if the fans REALLY didn't like me??

We finally entered the room and my eyes widened. Hundreds of girls were crowded around, talking, chattering, fan-girling, or yelling for the boys. When they saw the boys, they all erupted in an ear piercing scream.

The boys sat in the table. Harry in the corner, then Liam, then Niall, then Zayn. I said on the edge next to Harry. He smiled encouragingly at me. I smiled a small fake smile back. After last night, I was still feeling rather sad.

The line started up, and a girl made her way towards the table. She was beautiful. She had honey brown hair, hazel eyes, fair skin, and she was incredibly slim. I noticed Harry eyeing her up too. Jealousy fueled throughout me, but I pushed it away. She was prettier, AND skinnier, so duh he would like her.

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