c h a p t e r - 15

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when i saw you, I fell in love. and you smiled, because you knew.


Chap. 15

3 Weeks Later!


I stirred in my sleep, feeling a feathery touch on my face. As I turned over, I felt it again. I lazily swatted my hands up, trying to rid whatever was waking me. My hands came into contact with skin, and my eyes shot open. I sighed in relief to see Harry standing there.

He was shirtless with sweatpants on, and his soft hair was wet, signifying that he had just taken a shower. I giggled, as he gave me a butterfly kiss. "That tickles." I laughed, my voice scratchy from sleep. "I know, angel, I'm just trying to wake you up." He chuckled. I raise my eyes brows at him, "Angel?" I question. He face goes slightly red, and he answers "Yeah, you look like an angel when you sleep! And when you're awake. Plus, you're my angel. I love you." He explains, kissing my cheek. I blush, and thank him. "Well.... I think I'm still going to stick with 'pretty boy' as my nickname for you" I giggle. He nods his head. "Pretty Boy and Angel it is." He chuckles. I shake my head at our weird behavior.

It's been about three weeks or so since Harry told the fans about us. The hate has been pretty harsh, but Harry manages to keep my mind off of it. God, I love him so much.

He pulls me out of bed, engulfing me in a hug. I smile, and hug back, resting my head in the crook of his neck. We've been doing this a lot lately, and I absolutely love it. Suddenly, we hear a camera click, and turn around to see Niall holding his phone. "This one is SO going on twitter!" He laughs, and runs away. I groan, resting my head on his shoulder. He simply laughs, lightly rubbing my back.

"Breakfast?" He asks. I nod my head, and follow him into the kitchen. I sit on the counter, swinging my legs. He comes forward, standing in between my legs. "You're gorgeous." He whispers, and crashes his lips onto mine. The familiar feeling of fireworks set off in my stomach, and I gently kiss back. His hands comb through my hair, and I sigh in content.

"OH MY EYES." We hear someone yell. We split apart, to see Louis covering his eyes. I blush furiously and hop off the counter, trying to busy myself. Awkwardness is in the air. "HARRY AND BROOKLYN WERE MAKING BABIES IN THE KITCHEN." Louis screams at the top of his lungs.

I gasp, and turn around. "We were not!" I defend. Seconds later, the rest of the boys scramble into the kitchen, with wide eyes. Harry chuckles, and gives me an apologizing glance. "We weren't making babies! It was little kiss. And besides, it's not like El and you are completely innocent." Harry remarks. Louis' eyes widen and his face turns red. I slowly turn around, blushing at the weird conversation. More awkwardness.

"Whatever. Well, when you guys do decide to make babies, don't do it in the kitchen." Liam says, and walks off with the rest of the boys. I freeze at his words, and by now my face is worse then a tomato. Could this get any more awkward?

Harry started laughing at my face, and I turned around. Deciding to make pancakes, I reached up to grab the mix. I jumped on my tippy-toes, and stretched my fingers, yet it was still too tall. "Damn cabinet." I muttered, jumping up again. I huffed, and heaved myself onto the counter as I did as a child.

I hear Harry gasp, and seconds later his arm is around my waist pulling me down. He pulls me down, and hugs me tight, still behind me. "Goddamn, angel, don't do that. You could get hurt." He whispered. I smile, and spin around. I peck him on the lips, and once again attempt to grab the pancake mix. I see Harry's tattooed arm reach up behind me, and effortlessly grab the mix. "There you go baby." He smirked. I narrowed my eyes at him. Stupid tall people.

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