Baby Shower

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"Get up! Get up! It's your baby shower!" My sister came running in and I groaned flopping a hand over but River wasn't there. I sighed and covered myself in the blankets.

"Come back when there isn't a baby." I yell back and fix the sweatshirt and Rivers sweats. I shoulda known he was gone, he said so when I went for a nap.

"Nope! Come on lil sis." My brother picked me up from the bed and groaned. "Gosh 7 months pregnant."

"Shut the hell up you pig." I got out of his hold and slammed the closet door. I have been a bit on edge lately. River has been very helpful but when he's not with me I get super irrational.

There was a cute dress laid out for me and a pair of white converse. I like the converse idea.

"Hurry!" My brother groaned and I was about to snap at him but I just rolled my eyes pulling the dress on and grabbed jewelry. I sat down at the vanity and got makeup done.

"I'm done I'm done." I grumbled and Jake was there pulling on my hand. "I can only go so fast! Jeez, I'm gonna hurt myself the way you're pulling my arm like a wild animal." They should've woken me up earlier to get out together.

"Shut up." He grumbled and I grabbed my purse from the door. The picture recently taken of River and I at a cliff hung nicely on the wall, I smile at the scene. The way he looks at me. Cue the tears.

"Hey darling how are you?" My mom smiled hugging me carefully and I smiled. I had walked down to the main floor and began a search for food.

"We're doing well today, tired but it's normal. River and I have to go to the doc again next week." I rolled my eyes and she laughed as we both didn't like how River has me at the doc all the time.

"Well we should head. Your uncle and cousin couldn't make it. Justice and Noah are already there, Zach should be there. The twin V's are there as well and a bunch of Rivers close men." My mom started rattling off people but I was busy texting River. I wanted him close to me.

My 🌎♥️:
Love are you up from your nap yet?

I'm already in the car. Where
Are we going Riv?    

My 🌎♥️:
I can't tell you. It's a surprise. I'll
See you soon, say hello to our kid.

We hate you.

He didn't answer and I groaned throwing my phone into my purse. My sister was smiling at me creepily and my mom was driving. Jake was switching between songs every 5 seconds. It was beginning to piss me off and I was about to snap at him as I realized something.

"Isn't this at V's! That's what we planned!" I tried to get something out of these people but they kept their mouths shut. I'm pregnant I could have you all crying at my feet!

Ohhh! I know who to call. I grabbed my phone and quickly dialed my best friends number. She cannot keep her mouth shut.

"You getting close?!" Justice asked and I grumbled rolling my eyes. No, I got on a plane and I'm leaving the fucking country.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked becoming more impatient, I'm not fond of this surprise deal. I'm also not fond of no River, he's the only thing getting me through and he's not here.

"Oh! Mhhsninfbfhd." The rest of the words were muffled and I heard Noah scolding her. Stupid Noah.

"Noah shut up, let her tell me!" I argued but then the phone beeped signaling that I had been hung up on.

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