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I yawned and stretched upon waking up. I looked over and River was gone. I stood and walked into the closet finding a bunch of women's clothes. I frowned. I sat on the floor and started crying, don't ask why, I just did.

"I thought you'd want clothes." Rivers voice reverberated around the closet and I looked down with a trembling lip. "What's wrong mi amore?" He rushes forward to college me into his arms but I hold a hand up to stop him.

"It's not just me is it? God how could I be so selfish and naive. It's fine, I'll go into a guest room." I stood and tried walking past him but he stopped me, his large hand grabbed my upper arm halting all movement. I look up and he shakes his head with a smirk, an infuriating smirk that I want to punch off. "River. I'm serious I'll just take my bag full of my few clothes and then Justice and I will go shopping. I'll go sleep in the guest room. I'm sorry for overstepping. She must be really happy." I rambled and looked anywhere but his eyes, I pulled my arm away and went to the door. I feel like a cheap date, used and thrown away.

"I didn't have a girlfriend Kate. I had my maid go out and buy you clothes?" He chuckled and I blushed bright red and he pulled me in for a hug. "That reminds me, will you be my girlfriend?" He whispered and I looked up surprised, what the fuck is happening today?!

"Y-yes?" I stuttered and he bent down pressing a sweet kiss to my lips. His hands directed me so I was facing him straight. One hand reached back and began to palm my ass while the other held the bottom of my jaw. It was hot.

"Get dressed, I'm making lunch." He kissed my temple leaving me here looking through all the amazing clothes that the maid bought. I was also dazed just by the little session we shared.

I put on a white tee and a pair of blue jeans. I slipped on some white and black adidas. I stood leaving the room into the white walled hallway and walked down the white carpeted stairs. I was really sore, from... activities, but I just kinda limped. I entered the kitchen and Zach was there with Justice who were bickering while Noah had an arm around Justice. So that's where she's been and not texting me back.

"Hey love, bacon?" River asked and I smiled nodding, I walked over and he handed me a piece which I ate. "You feel ok?" He asked rubbing my hipbones with his thumbs. I lean back against the counter and his hands slide up my sides and wrap around me. I place my head on his chest under his neck.

"I'm limping pretty bad, but other than that." I yawned and he kissed my forehead, I smile and completely forget about company. They haven't seemed to notice, or care what's going on around them. "I'm gonna go see my cousin today if that's okay with you?"

"Yeah, take Justice and Noah." River agreed handing me a plate with pancakes and bacon. I got up on my toes and kissed his cheek sweetly.

"Thank you baby." I smirked and walked back to the table across from Zach who looked disgusted of Justice and Noah who decided to suck face.

"I thought that you and River were pretty nasty..." he made a throw up motion and I laughed, River looks back with a chuckle. I smile and take a few bites of my breakfast and drink a little of the orange juice I poured.

"No, Rivers sweet.... until we get into the bedroom." I looked over at River who was still making his plate. He had sweats that hung dangerously low and his abs were on full display.

"Ugh." Zach bit into breakfast and I laughed eating my own. "I have to admit though, if he were a man..." Zach began to make a face like he was orgasming and I blanched shaking me head repeatedly.

"Any male prospects?" I asked Zach and he shrugged and I felt bed for parading River around. Zach deserves the world and I hope he finds what he's looking for.

"I still really like your cousin." He sighed and I got all giddy. I was about to drop my fork but River caught it just in time.

"Careful." River hands it back and I smile sticking my tongue out at him. He sends a quick hand to my ass and I go silent dropping my head to my food to disguise my face.

"We're going to see him today! You can come with.... pleaseeeeeeeee!" I begged and Zach's eyes lit up immediately nodding. River took a seat next to me and I smiled taking a bite of food.

"Yes! I'd love to." Zach smiled and he continued eating. I however got disrupted by a hand on my thigh dangerously close to me.

"What are you doing there mister." I looked over at River who was chuckling at me. I grabbed a piece of his bacon and ate it.

"Hey! That was mine." He grumbled and I laughed kissing his cheek. Zach made a grunt sound of displeasure rolling his eyes and averting his gaze.

"I need all the energy because I wasted a ton earlier." I whispered and he smirked then stole one of mine. I grumbled but then felt his hands on my ass lifting me onto his lap.

"Be careful going out today, take a gun with you." River pulled my plate closer so I could still eat. I nod and I feed his head place itself on my shoulder, then he takes a bite and chews on my shoulder making me glare at him.

"Okay, you sure it's fine. I can have Zach go instead for me." I turned and cupped his face in my hands. "River?" He was debating, we both knew there were many risks for the two of us to leave and possibly become spotted.

"Send Noah, Justice, and Zach." River sighed and I nodded kissing his cheek and turned back continuing to eat.

"Will all of you go to Kate's cousins to get the information we need? It's too much of a risk to send Kathrine out, so shes gonna stay and help me with work." River asked and they nodded, they had finished and they set their plates in the kitchen sink.

"What do you need help with today?" I asked leaning back as I finished as well. I knew quite a bit about how to do the paper work of a gang. I pride myself on how fast I learn, but you need those skills in this line of work.

"I need to go through some Capo reports for my father. I think we should talk to him about this. I haven't decided quite yet." River shrugged and finished also. I stood taking our plates to the kitchen.

"Do you often do things for your father?" I asked turning back after grabbing a water from the fridge. I leaned against the fridge door, River followed and pressed his butt back against the island across from me.

"Well as you know most children take the lead role soon around my age and well that's the case. I was supposed to finish schooling and then hand off the gang. The gang was something I created to be absolutely sure I wouldn't be harmed in any way over here." He shrugged and I took a long sip from my water. That makes sense, if he was going to be the next leader many would target him to take down the mafia.

"So you're gonna me a Don?" I asked wide eyed, how had I nod connected these dots before? He certainly looked familiar and I knew that last name.

"Bye guys!" Zach came bounding through taking a leftover bacon strip and opened the door leaving with the other two in tow.

"Yes, I will. I didn't want to spring it on you like this. I want us to work. I didn't want that pressure on you." River was quick to cover his ass and I smiled shaking my head. He was certainly thinking of everything just to make her happy.

"River, it's fine. If we work, we work. If we don't, we don't." I smiled pushing off the fridge and brought his head down so I could kiss him. On my tippy toes and everything.

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