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"Why do you look so good in everything!" Vienna climbed into the car after tons of shopping that I was not ready for. She could go all day long, the whole time she spent suggesting outfits that would get me in major trouble with River. We stopped when my feet began to ache from all the walking and standing we were doing.

"Um, I don't?" I told her and she rolled her eyes looking out the window as if angry with me. One thing I learned about her is she acts like a child even at 52. Then again she's surprising all the way around.

"Shut up. Your gorgeous. Got me running for my money, thank god I'm married." Vienna rolled her eyes with a sigh again and I laughed. She's one fine Italian beauty and I think Vince is one hell of a lucky man.

We made idle chit chat for a while before we got to the house and we walked in the house. The door was guarded like normal and I smiled thanking the man who opened our door.

"We are home!" Vienna yelled going to the kitchen and I was talking to the maid. She grabbed my bags to be taken up to the room.

"Where do you want these mam?" She asked in her little Italian accent and I smiled, I love the accent. I kinda like the accent more on river, it's sexy and a major turn on.

"Rivers room please." I smiled and she nodded walking off. I was about to go in search of the boy but strong arms wrapped around me and a head was rested in the crook of my neck.

"I'm so glad your back." He whispered nipping at my ear and shivers racked my body pushing me against Rivers obvious erection. He was very vocal or straightforward when he was in need.

"I'm gonna leave kids, you have fun." Vienna met my eyes and winked exiting the house and I blush shaking my head but laugh with her anyway. River went on ignoring his mother anyway.

"I can feel that." I giggle turning in his arms and he took the chance to place his lips over mine and walked me back wards. We made it to his room and the maid sprinted out. River slammed the door after she left and placed his lips back on mine and soon I fell back onto the bed with this man caging me down.

"I love you." He stopped looking deep into my eyes and I smiled playing with a few strands of his hair.

"I love you too." I whisper and he grins leaning down and capturing my lips once again but it was no longer soft and slow. It was our usual rough and passionate.

"I feel sick." I groan and he looks down at me and I push him off of me and sprinted into the bathroom. I landed on my knees in front of the toilet and puked my guts out.

"What's wrong?" River began rubbing my back and I shook my head then puked again.

"What if I'm pregnant?" I flush the toilet and stand grabbing the tooth brush and began brushing my teeth. "I don't have to be though, we could have been too rough?"

"I would love that." He kissed my lips after I put the tooth brush away and he looked at me making me know he is dead serious. "I didn't got that hard?"

"What if I'm already pregnant? I mean I'm a lot more tired lately and more emotional." I stood began pacing back and forth. "River my parents are literally trying to kill me. This theoretical baby I could have..."

"They won't touch you. Take the test and we will find out okay love but for now you can't worry about that." River wrapped me in his arms and I sighed leaning my head against his chest. "You worry too much." He stroked my head and kissed my forehead.

"You're right. I'm probably not pregnant." I sigh and he nods taking my hand and we walked down stairs Vienna and Vincent went out to have dinner with friends leaving River and I to stay in. We were standing in the living room.

"Come on, we will go get you a test to take and that'll tell us Kay?" River took my hand and I nodded with a worried expression. "It will be okay love, I'm always here to protect you and whatever is or isn't in that tummy of yours." River got on his knees and kissed my stomach.

"Your so cute." I ran my fingers through his hair and he smiled looking up at me through his dark lashes.

"Sexy." He nipped at the flesh above my waistband. He was quickly turning the tables and like always I fell for his antics.

"Sure." I leaned my head back biting down on my lip. He grinned and looked around checking before raising his hands and tickling me. I burst out laughing and he pulled me down on the ground.

"You're mine." He whispered as his hands dashed all over my stomach and I nodded laughing and trying to push his hands off of me which was practically useless. "All." He tickled, "mine." He leaned over  and kissed me pinning me to the floor. The walls no longer echoed my laughs now all I heard was the sound of his lips against mine. "No one else's." He lifted me up and took me to the living room.  He placed me on a couch and continued out make out session. "Mine." He came to level with me and I looked up into his eyes. "The best person to carry my children." He kissed me and I smiled running my hand through his gorgeous hair. "Best person to live with me." He moved in another time and I moaned into the kiss. "Best person to give me a child." He slammed his lips to mine and then didn't stop. He continued, bringing a hand up and ran his hand through my hair and stroked my face. "With the best mouth in this world." He took my lips hostage and I smiled slightly but remained mostly entranced.

"Fuck me." I groaned finally finding words.

After we came apart I fell back panting like I ran a marathon. "Shit love." He kissed me and lifted me up with his lips still on mine. He carried me and both our stuff up the stairs. Throwing our stuff across the room he slammed me into the wall kiss down my neck.

After this time I woke up sore and couldn't move. River was playing with my hair and kissing my head every 30 seconds.

He was whispering to my 'sleeping' figure. "The way your so ready to carry my children. The way we fit so well together even when we cuddle. How you react to me when I pleasure you." He kissed my head and I smiled cuddling against him hurting me a little. "Stop moving love you're hurting. I know your asleep but when you wake up you will be very cross with me." He kissed my head again.

I shifted. "Ow ow ow." I groaned and River was immediate to kiss my head and rub my back.

"Hey love, I bought pregnancy tests while you were asleep." River pointed to the box on the nightstand and I nodded. He was so concise Tate but I'm not letting his comment about being ready to carry his children go. What if we're too young?

"I don't think I can stand." I whisper and he sighs lovingly kissing my cheek lifting me off the bed and taking the box into the bathroom.

He set me on the toilet and the tests next to me. I looked up at him and he smiled kissing my head. "I love you no matter the outcome." He confirmed and left me in the bathroom to pee on a stick that could change my life.

I unwrapped the box and took a stick out. I took it out of its packaging and threw it in the waste bin. Looking at the general instructions I peed on the stick.

I placed it on the counter and flushed the toilet pulling my shorts up. River walked in and We sat there waiting for the 2 minutes. I was shaking and River was holding me as we sat against the bath tub on the bathmat.

His phone went off and he didn't even glance at it. He was more focused on the test he had in his hand. He was as still as stone and he smiled and handed me the test. As soon as I saw the test I burst into tears. I am (pregnant/not pregnant)??? Hehe


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