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Your place in world isn't as assured as you'd like to believe.

Hidden in the world are those with ill intentions, people who feed off what causes the downfall of others. People like my father, like myself, my family.

Of course we all believe we are the best of the best, to us... we are good. However, in the line of work we are in, people die and others prevail.

The syndicate my family so ruthlessly rules over isn't large, but large enough to cause damage. Large enough to make an impact, to kill...It only takes one for that to make its' statement. The gang is still highly respected in the community, few in number, but we pull off quality work, which is what really matters to those that pay. 

In comparison, you get quality from Mafia with their large numbers, the collective honor, and loyalty. Based on numbers, our gang is miniscule compared to them and less likely to remain loyal. There are more groups, gangs, that have better numbers or better skill sets. Mafia are truly successful based on favors and family ties, if you're at all related you're involved and you help because that's what you do for family.

All syndicates are different really, gang, mafia, or any crime ring. A majority of the ones in our area aren't in our specific profession. All but one, the 'Pistols'. The gang itself is known for their cunning ideas and execution. In reality, there is supposed to be some hotshot young ringleader which may be why they are so cunning, new ideas and new . They rose to fame and began to truly become competition somewhere like four years back when I made my true debut in this life. 

In the Kings my parents are the leaders, arguably though, my father does it all and becomes rude when my mother wants to pitch in. My brother, Jakob, is the heir of our little group and was supposed to receive it at 21. He's 24 years old now, and my father doesn't seem to be retiring anytime soon. It is a hot topic in our house often because Jake lives with us and my father keeps complaining about the work, but the title still remains his. 

After my brother, is me, Katherine Reigns, 18 years of age and basically finished with high school. Jake likes to say I add a bit of spice to this life so it's not so much gory and fear. Finally, our younger sister Scarlet, or Scar, she's 11 and in middle school now not yet of age to make her place in the gang. We both go to public school despite probably the necessity of us going to a private school or even home school. Several times has my life been threatened because I am seen in such a public environment. 

One of the few benefits for us to go to public school is that we attend with fellow member's kids. So the kids we grew up doing this shit with, go to school with us. Such as my best friend Zach and Justice, both have parents which have high positions in our gang. Justice's father is our best sharpshooter and grew up with our father as small time men doing a variety of jobs. Zach has a great rank himself, he will take over as Jake's second as soon as the gang is handed down... like it needs to be. Zach's father currently holds the second in command position for my father, although my father does not share his work well. 


"Katherine!" Mom came bursting through my door, I was gonna be late if I didn't get up. She shut the door softer than when she came in. As a teen so close to the end of this hell it has been a daily pastime for me to groan in detest as I gather the will to leave my bed. Just thinking about how little of time I have left makes me want to refuse to go.

"Yeah, yeah." I slipped out of my warm inviting bed to hobble into my bathroom. I did my business in a daze not yet ready to acknowledge the morning. A quick look in the mirror forced another long groan out. I looked tired which made my day worse. It may be one of those days to try and hide that I am tired, but it may make no difference. The bags were one thing, but the dark circles were awful.

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