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The rest of the classes were pretty uneventful, nothing like first. It's lunch!

I was on Zach's shoulders and Justice was flirting. I like being with Zach more, the guys were okay but River was the one who really caught my eyes. I was set down at a table and Zach went to get us food. I pulled my phone out and started to text.

Me: Hey babe how's it going?

Lil Shit: It's going, there's this kid who's really cute.

Me: Aweee, my sis has a crush!

Lil Shit: Calm down K, I got it all handled.

Me: Have you talked to Alan?

Lil Shit: NO! I forgot!

Me: What?

Lil Shit: Jake came storming in and talked to Alan for 30 Seconds. I haven't seen either since.


Lil Shit: IKR

Me: Odd, he was here too.

Lil Shit: Oh? I have to go. School. Pick me up! Alan my not come back!

Me: I got you, lil sis.

"You call your sister lil shit on your phone?" I heard his accent and I smiled and turned to find River next to me.

"She is, she calls me worse." I smiled setting checking my texts from Hunter. He's another one of my friends in the gang but he's the same age as my brother.

"How old is she?" He asked and I turned with a signature smirk, his eyes widened. I really hate how I am but I can't resist the urge to fuck with him.

"She's my twin." I smiled and he looked around trying to find her before I burst into laughter. "She's 11, god that was easy."

"I'm new, how am I supposed to know it's a lie?" He asked seemingly angry and I shrugged which made him sigh. He doesn't seem familiar with sarcasm or pulling a joke. If he sticks around me for too long I guess he's going to learn.

"How the fuck are you so good at this? I got turned down for not being slutty enough!" Justice slammed her butt down at the table and I smiled. "Here you are blushing and flirting with this hot hunk." That's a common issue, we don't send so we don't get men.

"I wasn't doing any of that!" I quickly defended and she looked over at me then River then me then River. I could sense the smile and attitude rising from her.

"I know you like the inside of a gun, that was you flirting. That barely noticeable twinge on your oh so fair cheeks, that's a blush because you don't wear anything but mascara." Justice pointed out and I groaned slamming my head on the table. What a buzzkill just leave me out of your misery.

"Fuck you!" I flipped her off and she smiled leaning across the table, River leaned in a bit too. I forgot he was here, she can really take up all the room with her personality.

"You tried." She whispered and I jumped over the table taking her out easily. As many jokes as we make the two of us really haven't done anything. Spare for the random kids we shared when we got drunk that one time.

"Stop it before I call Hunter and tell him you're not interested." I walked back around the table and River scooted away scared. I think. I really like that effect I get on people when it's fear of me and not fear of my family.

"Noooo, I really like him. I just want someone to ya know to have as a backup because Hunter will break it off sometime." Justice moped and Zach came back with three plates. I smiled as he set my burger in front of me.

I started eating immediately and turned to find Zach glaring at River. "What is it!" I finally yelled with my mouth full. Zach shook his head and I swallowed. "It has to be something, come on." I take a deep sip of my juice waving my hand for them to continue.

"Dinner." Zach gritted out as if reprimanding me and I raised my eyebrows. "If you raise your voice back and threaten me I will slap you. I know you are sore but follow this."

"I didn't mean to go until 4," I whisper and continue eating, Justice sent me a text. I glance up and shake my head paying attention to my phone ignoring the rest of them.

Satan: Sorry, I know it's tough.

Me: I just never want it to happen again.

Satan: I know... River is staring at you, and your phone.

Me: Let him, he doesn't get what we are talking about.

Satan: ;)

I started to get a call and I looked up to find River had gone to his friends while Zach was throwing fries at Justice.

"Hello?" I asked taking a bite of my burger again and I heard a crackle from the other side.

"Hello gorgeous, you happy I'm back?" The voice filled the phone and I froze choking. A few slaps on my back from someone I didn't pay attention to I clear my throat.

"You, how, are you, where?" I searched the room, I stood and looked around hastily. "Are you here?" Alarmed Justice took my posture to be one of scanning a threat and she looked around as well.

"Of course not, I will be soon though. Don't worry baby, we can start where we left off. As always don't tell anyone. I have eyes on your unguarded sister and it would be a shame to lose such an innocent flower." His voice sent bad chills down my spine and I bit my lip so hard it almost bled. I heard the hum of being hung up on and I pulled the phone from my face. I shoved it in a pocket and walked out of the cafeteria. I had to punch or throw or hit something.

I was choking on my throat, I couldn't swallow, I couldn't breathe. It was getting hard for it all. I shake my head walking into the bathroom.

I stop at a sink and stare at myself, "You are strong enough to take him, you can beat him." I whisper shaking my head. I dip down and turn on the faucet. Cupping my hands below the flow of water I scoop some water and splash it on my face a couple times. I turn the water off and press my weight with my arms onto the sink before shaking my head and walking to the paper towel dispenser. I tear 2 pages and pat my face, I throw the used towels into the garbage. I glance to myself one last time and walk out of the empty bathroom.

I got through the day with minimal talking and Zach was very unnerved by my lack of speech. He was worried and I was too, not about the same things. Unrelated. Still worried. Yet sort of related in a sense.

I walked to my car immediately after school, I didn't stick around. My sister was first priority. I couldn't have her or anyone else affected by this man. I need to deal with this myself. I entered my car and sped off to pick my sister up. She was smiling and entered my car. We talked for a little while and I pretended that I was alright. I pretended as if I wasn't gonna do something crazy.

We arrived at home and dinner was quick. Dad explained what I had assumed that River was someone bad but no one would tell us why.

I got up to my room and texted the number that called me earlier, I needed to get this out of the way. I needed to fix this.

Me: Old warehouse on Monad tomorrow at 6.

456-890: I'll b there, yr lookin delicious bbg, you b wrkn out?

Me: Tried.

456-890: ofc, u nvr wr good @ commitin.

Me: Working on it.

456-890: C u tmrw bbg, dress slutty.

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