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"Damn!" Scarlett cursed when I got a kick to her gut, I had been imagining Scar as Jace during sparring today. I couldn't get the pervert out of my head, the way he grabbed my ass as though he owned it

"Scar!" I groan grabbing her water and handing it to her. She was laying on the sweat smeared mat. It was clean before we used it. I had just taken her down again though and we were both pouring sweat.

"Sorry!" She shook her head and got up, she grabbed her bag as I did too. I waved to a few men from the gang who were in there so late on a Saturday. I felt the need to go harder in training to protect myself from whatever dad and Jace are up to.

"Your good I'm just tired." I give her a small smile and we left the building out into the cooler air. The air in there was stinky and humid. Mostly guys were there because it's the gang's warehouse gym.

"Okay." She gleams and we walk to my car, I felt bad for how hard she went today but she seemed fine.

"You want to go get some food?" I ask as we drive past several shops a lot of the buildings were fast food places. My stomach took that moment to make itself known to the world, that it was hungry.

"Yes I am starving!" She groans making me laugh, she must have also worked up quite the appetite from our vigorous workout today.

"Alright, Taco Bell it is!" I smile and park at Taco Bell and we walk in still all sweaty from training. The building had air conditioning and you heard sighs of relief as we both walked in.

"I'll order for us." I saw her limping and I felt bad so I walked to the counter and she finds us a table. She sat down with much effort and I smiled that she was relaxing.

I got done with the ordering and found Noah and River talking to my sister who was happily going along with it. It was odd to me but they looked so natural.

"Hey Kat!" She smiled and I sat down next to her, my legs were sore. Though I wouldn't say anything cause she got hurt worse. Speaking of...

"How the hell are you not in pain?" I ask and she pulls Advil from her pocket and shakes it. "Bitch didn't even ask if I wanted some!" I guess I will complain. I felt weird being in next to no clothes but guess what, I don't care.

"Well, I couldn't get a hit to you so I didn't see the point." She shrugged and I rolled my eyes in response. I was still in pain from hitting her. That kind of makes me feel old but whatever she's a butt.

"Haha, whatever. I am in pain so hand me the pills!" I demand and she hands me the bottle, I greedily opened it and took two pills dry.

"What did you two do?" River asked really close to me. I just realized how little of a distance there is between us. When someone this hot is so close you don't tell them to move.

"Training. Mostly sparred, Kat is amazing. One time she took on the strongest person in our-" Scar started and she slapped a hand over her mouth. I groaned at the slip-up and reminded myself to reprimand her later.

"Gym" I finish rolling my eyes and took a big bite of my taco. I was hungry, very hungry.

"Are you stalking us?" Scarlett asks and I smack her arm. I swear she acts like a child, she is 11, so she is a child. I hope she grows up.

Noah starts to laugh a lot but River let a small smile overcome his face. What a smile, the dimples, god he's gorgeous. Oh no, I'm drooling.

"No we were just passing by, actually to get food," Noah smirked and I rolled my eyes leaning back. I doubt it, maybe they are stalking us. Why us? "What's with your arm?" Oh shit the scar is still healing so it's pink and raised.

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