Hey There

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"Meet your baby boy." Stella lifted the gooey figure and held out the forceps to River who cut the umbilical cord. They took him and cleaned him while I watched with tears streaming down my face. As soon as my baby cried all the pain was ignored and he became my sole focus.

"Do you want to do skin skin?" Stella asked and I nodded, he was beautiful from what I could tell before.

She undid the hospital gown and placed the little boy on my shrunken stomach and up my torso.

He was smaller than I thought. Adorable. He was nuzzling into the warmth of my body. River was watching tears in his eyes.

We spent a good amount of time just laying there. I looked at him and memorized every small perfection. Our baby boy.

"Here let's swaddle him." The Doctor took him and I did up my dress. He was brought back and handed to River.

"You're so small." River swayed and I watched tears streaming down my face. My boys, Rivers an amazing father.

"Ill leave you guys for a moment of peace." Stella left us and I watched the boys. Our baby just quietly in his fathers arms. He needs a name.

"What should we name the bub?" I asked and River sat in the bed next to me so we could both watch him. He gurgled slightly and his fingers wrapped around my pinky.

"Dante Finn?" River suggested and I smiled looking down at the boy. We had a rough basis of what we wanted the name, but I loved what River came up with.

"Welcome to our fucked up family Dante Finn." I whispered and he held onto my finger. I smiled choking up again which made River laugh quietly.

"Language." I just give River a glare which makes him stick his tongue out. I like when we can be silly and fun, the lighthearted times. Everything seems so dark and morose lately.

"Can we have another?" River asked and I smiled kissing his cheek, I stroke Dante's face as we watch him in near silence.

"I just got done with one." I sighed even though I had a small smirk and River sighed nodding. "There'll be more. I promise." I rest my head on his shoulder and River noticed.

"Let's get you some sleep." River smiled kissing my head and I nodded allowing them to move me.

I fell into a deep slumber in the hall totally exhausted.

A soft cry had me waking from my slumber. River was passed out in the chair next to me holding Dante close. I smiled at the pair. I slid my arms around the baby and brought him to my chest. I undid my dress and he latched on. I fed and burped him before leaning back and looking down into those eyes just like his fathers.

"I am so proud of you." I whisper to the baby, the being that stole my heart so quickly. "You decided to bless your presence to us. You have grounded your father. You are giving me a responsibility. I was not gonna continue the way of life I had so reckless. Your dad might though. It's okay. He's the one who can. I would rather sit here and cuddle with you all day."

"That's not fair." Rivers groggy voice could be heard and I smiled looking up. He was rubbing at his eyes like a child would. "I didn't want to tell you while you were giving birth to our beautiful child. Your father is in our custody. He didn't die."

"Why didn't you kill him?" I asked calmly. He's almost my husband and he's the father of my child. I trust his decisions.

"He needed to tell your mother something before he died." River shrugged and I understood. Rivers traditional in a sense.

"Come here." I scooted over giving River enough room to sleep with me on the bed. He wrapped an arm around me and the other was to help me hold Dante.

Bad Boys SecretOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora