I am backkkkk

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"Thanks for your shirt." I smile as we walk back into the school side by side. He shows his abs off and I take a glimpse, there's just something about this man.

"Sure." River seems busy in his mind suddenly out of the blue he pushes me into a closet, quickly shutting the door behind us he pins me against the wall in a kiss.

The wall was hard, concrete. The door slammed as he kicked it closed. I closed my eyes and leaned into the kiss. His hands immediately form to my body running along my hips.

I moved my lips in sync with his and ran my hands through his hair. He grabbed my butt and squeezed forcing me to open my mouth with a squeal. He plunges his tongue inside my mouth and I wrap my legs around Rivers' waist while he held my hands above my head.

I ran out of breath and pulled away. River presses light kisses to my shoulder and pulled his shirt off me. I leaned my head back I felt my hair brush my butt. I looked into Rivers eyes as he pulled at the strap of my bra. I didn't know what to say but we were interrupted. Thank god the door sticks a little, as soon as the handle rattles I push River off. He stumbles a bit and shakes his head with a smirk.

Someone curses outside the door 'stupid fucking door!'  It was loud and I wanted to laugh but I was still in shock because of my current situation.

I bend down to grab Rivers shirt and he squeezes my butt. I squeal and stand up as Zach barges in. He looked at us questioningly. River was standing fine but I was breathing raggedly.

"What are you doing?" He asked out of breath, his eyes take me in with concern. His gaze shifted to River and he gave him a challenging glare. I quickly make sure to de-escalate the situation. 

"I was giving his shirt to him." I handed River his shirt and he smirked. I prayed he wouldn't open those soft lips to tell on me.

"Oh, I forgot about your undressing issues." Zach rolled his eyes then went serious. "Jace is here." I feel the color drain form my face and I push past the two.

"Shit shit shit!" I sprint to my gym locker and stuff my guns and knives into my bra and spandex shorts. I forgot about what I was wearing what was happening. I ran.

"Where is she!" I heard someone yell. I walk out casually and I see it was Jace who was yelling. "Hey, babe! I didn't like you dipping out of our meet babygirl."

"Nope! We are not doing this again." I rolled my eyes grabbing a knife and throwing it at his side. It pinned his shirt to the wall. I did it on the other side too. "Jace, what the hell are you doing?"

"I am here for you." He looked nervous and I grabbed my gun but Zach pulled my arm back. He gave me a good look and I knew he disagreed with me killing him.

"Take him to your dad," Zach advised and I sighed, dad may not be any help. "You can't kill him in our school." We are in a public setting and dad can't go against me with other members around who will question him.

"Dad will come here." I pull my phone from Zach's pocket and dial my dads' number. I hesitantly pull the phone up to my ear watching the men nervously. Of course I do not show any emotion.

"Hey princess." He answered and I hit my lip gritting my teeth feeling rising anger pulse through my veins. His nickname for me was from when I was little. I demanded to be called princess Katy and he refused, it's not as appealing now. A few years ago he found a drawing of mine and now that's his nickname for me.

"Hey, there dad. Uh, Jace is here and I have him stuck to a wall." I said and once again the line goes dead. "He has to work on saying bye." I roll my eyes and now River, Zach, Noah and I were standing in front of Jace. I swallow feeling the attention fall onto me, I know it was my job to explain but I didn't know what to say.

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