Chapter 24

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Harry's P.O.V

"Uh-it hurts." Louis groaned to me gripping the wall.

"I know. You're almost there." I said reassuringly. He finally made his way to me collapsing in my arms. We were working on his walking, he had to walk from one side of the wall to me. We were in a empty park. The surgery somewhat helped him. He just had  to learn to walk again.

"Good job. I'll make sure to tell the therapy guy what you did." I said kissing his head.

"Can you walk to the wheelchair?" I asked and he nodded his head. He limped, fumbling over his feet barely catching his balance. He once again collapsed into the wheelchair sighing.

"I feel so useless." He pouted.

"But you're not. You make me so happy. I think that's useful." I said pushing his wheelchair. He's been really feeling down. I felt horrible for him. All of a sudden I felt something wet dripping down my nose. I put my finger under my nose and I saw blood.

"Do you have some tissues? I have a nose bleed."

"Again? Are you okay?" He asked digging out some tissues and handing them to me.

"Yes. Just a little--dizzy." I said pushing his chair to a nearby bench. I sat down trying to keep my breaths steady. It felt like world was spinning.

"You okay babe?" Louis asked concerned. He put his hand on my back and I practically jumped.

"Yeah. I'm-I'm fine." I said mopping up my bloody nose.

"I just don't feel good." I said rubbing my temple.

"Come." He said opening his arms. I sat on his lap leaning my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me and I sighed. What's wrong with me?

"You sure you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah-" I was interrupted by bile coming up my throat. I ran off his lap and threw up near a tree. When I was done retching up my guts, I was shaking. I threw up blood. I felt a hand on my back and I once again jumped.

"Oh poor baby. Here hop on, I'll roll us the rest of the way." He said patting his lap. I didn't fuss because I still felt like I could throw up my organs again. I leaned back as he started rolling us down the gravel trail. I really hated making him carry us both, but I really felt sick.

"My poor baby." He muttered as we pulled up to the car. He rolled to my side opening the door for me and I got in the drivers seat. I had to learn how to drive so I could drive myself and Louis around. Once i folded up his wheel chair and helped him in, I started up the car. I pulled out the parking lot and started driving to my house.

"Are you okay? You've been getting sick lately. And nosebleeds." He asked wiping away a curl off my head. I nodded my head concentrating on the rode. It was hard when the world was spinning once again.

"Harry!" Louis yelled as I swerved, missing a car by an inch. I pulled over to the side of the road, cause right now I was scared out of my mind.

"Harry, you're not okay. What's wrong?" Louis asked concerned.

"I just feel tired and weak." I said leaning into his open arms.

"I think you need to go to the doctor." Louis confirmed patting my hair.

"No, I'm really fine! We have to go to the doctor for you tomorrow." I said changing the subject. I really didn't need him to be worried over me. He's already got enough to worry about.

"Harry I'm not going to neglect the fact that you're sick."

"I'm fine. It's just the stomach flu. And you know, nose bleeds are normal."

"You just almost crashed into the car."

"I don't feel well, alright?"

"Okay." He said leaving the subject alone. I nuzzled my head into his neck. I don't need anyone to worry over me anyways.

"I'm gonna start driving." I said getting up from his grasp.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." I said starting the car. Luckily, I didn't get dizzy till we got home. I got out the car grabbing his wheel chair out. For some reason I was struggling with it and I almost dropped it. I rolled out around to his side and helped him sit in it. I felt weaker with every step.

"Thanks babe." He smiled. I pushed him inside to my empty house. Yep I made my mom think twice about moving in with me. She's somewhere, but I don't really care. When we got inside I layed down on the couch. I felt queasy and weak.

"I'm calling the doctor." Louis stated dialing a phone. I felt too sick to argue.

"Hello. Hi I'm calling in for Harry Styles. Yes I'd like to make an appointment. Tomorrow? Okay thanks. Bye." He said hanging up. He patted my hair kissing my forehead.

"You'll feel better soon." He soothed. I nodded my head.

"You haven't talked to your dad in a long time." I blurted. He tensed up in the chair not looking at me.

"Yeah." He said coldly. I decided to drop it.

"Could you please cuddle with me pwease Harry's cold." I pouted. He rolled his eyes but obliging, I had to help him lay down, but it eventually worked out. He rubbed small circles in my scalp making me fall asleep.  Maybe I can just sleep it off.


What's wrong with Harreh? Idk. Um vote and comment plz, GGSRYKLOOSSAST Larry feels are hitting me hard today. Bieeee Luvs


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