Chapter 20

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October 16, 2014 - Original update

Louis' P.O.V

"Harry! I'm home!" I heard an annoyingly high pitched voice say.

"Mom?" He said pulling away from me to race to the front door. I followed close behind, while quickly putting on a shirt and pants.

"Harry darling! I'm so glad to see you. You're looking so much better." She squealed kissing his cheeks. I rolled my eyes.

"Now go get my bags." She said snapping her fingers. Harry looked as surprised as me. Did she just--snap at him. But he obeyed walking out to her car.

"Hey Louis!" She pipped.

"Don't hey Louis me! You know you were late, like 4 hours! And he was really upset. And then you have the nerve to snap at him. He's not a dog." I growled at her.

"He's my son. I can do whatever I want with him." She snapped.

"Listen hear you little fuuuuuu- fudge nuggets! You cook fudge nuggets?" I quickly stated as Harry walked in struggling with the bags. If he heard me he'd probably get mad at me for calling her a fucker. I reached to help Harry when she stopped me.

"No. Harry bring them up to my room." She ordered snapping her fingers again. I grabbed the bags out of Harry's hands throwing them on the ground.

"Next time you snap your fingers at him, I snap your neck." I growled. She gasped, bursting into fake tears.

"Was that a threat?" She cried. Annoyingly I might add. I rolled my eyes for like the 100th time.

"Mom!" He gasped running over to her while i stood alone looking like a idiot.

"Are you alright? Louis didn't mean it." He glared at me. This was a first. He usually didn't get mad at me.

"I'd feel better if he left." She growled looking at me. I look at Harry and he looked at me with a 'You should probably listen to her' look.

"Leave my house." She repeated.

"Well mom-" and she slapped him in the face. Hard. The memories from my mom getting slapped by my dad flooded back in my mind. Before I could think I pushed her down while running to Harry. She fell on the floor with a big thud.

"Are you okay?" I asked worried. He give no answer he had a blank look on his face, but his bottom lip was trembling,

"Get out! How dare you push me down! A lady! Leave right now!"

"Harry-" I tried.

"Get out." He said.

"What?" I said in surprise.

"I'm s-"

"Harry!" His witch mother yelled.

"Get out!" He yelled. Taken aback I looked at him with confusion.

"Harry I-"

"You hurt my mother."

"I did it for you. I mean I didn't mean to hurt her I-"

"Just leave Louis." He ordered. I looked at him, tears stinging my eyes as I walked out the door slamming it. How could he do this to me? Kick me out just because his mother had a fit? I was defending him! What's happened to him? It's that evil mother of his. I got in my car and decided to drive around town. An our later I drove to the store for a bag of chips just because I was feeling bad for myself. I got into the store and I felt even worse when I remembered this is where Harry worked. I hope I didn't see him. I was still upset. I quickly grabbed my bag of chips and on my way to the cash registers I was stopped by somebody wrapping their arms around my waist. I knew it was Harry so I removed the arms and kept walking.

"Louis!" He whined. I kept walking and got in line for the register.

"Louis please!" I was next in line and I scanned my chips and walked out the store.

"Louis! I'm sorry!" I heard him tear up. Don't turn around. Don't turn around. And I turned around. I saw my baby Harry standing outside sniffling, without a coat in the snow. I could clearly see him shivering but he didn't move. Id feel heartless just let him stay there alone. So I slowly walked over to him and he have me a small smile.

"Explain." I simply said.

"I'm really sorry Louis. I don't know what happened. I felt pressured. It's just she's back and I'd do anything to keep her happy."

"Even break up with me?"

"No of course not! She couldn't pay me to do that." He said looking down.

"I'm really sorry Louis. It will never happen again. I promise." He whimpered. I gave in and hugged him.

"I was just afraid."

"Of what."

"Of loosing you." I squeezed him tighter.

"Never. I promise on the promise ring." He said kissing my cheeks.

"So why are you here? I thought you were taking a break from working."

"I was, but my mom wanted me to go work and I had a shift tonight. She wanted me to make money." Anger slightly boiled inside of me, but I pushed it away. He had just got of the hospital.

"Pick me up?" He asked not so innocently wrapping his hands around my neck.

"Of course." I muttered as his hand shadowed over my 'problem'. He kissed me hard, using tongue.

"Harry you're needed in aisle 10. Oh am I interrupting something?" I heard Daniel ask. I wasn't sure if it was so innocent or not.

"No. I was just leaving." I said through gritted teeth. Harry could clearly see I was upset; well I mean from the clenched fists and gritted teeth how couldn't you? He gave me a quick peck on the lips of reassurance. He walked away with Daniel at his side. Before they walked inside I could've swore Daniel gave me a quick evil smirk. I walked to my car trying to blow of steam; of jealousy. But I trusted Harry and I knew that he didn't like Daniel and would never betray me. He promised on the promise ring.


Aw Loueh got Harreh a promise ring. So sweeettttt. :) jealous Loueh is hot Loueh. ;) Harry needs to get his shit togetha. what did ya think leave comments and votes. IG: shippinglarryfandom (Ifb) larry feels ugh hakakosdkbfakalwl bi lubssss


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