Chapter 48 - The Final Battle, Part 2

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"Xun Yu, no!" Cao Cao screamed as anxiety and a darkness stirred inside of him.

He caught Xun Yu and carefully held him within his arms.

"Wenruo, speak to me!" Cao Cao gushed as tears filled his eyes. "You can't die! You can't leave me here when you worked so hard to help me get this far."

Xun Yu smiled and gently touched the man's cheek as blood gushed from his wound.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me," Xun Yu said softly as tears filled his eyes. "Mengde, please, you have to defeat him. Even if I fall here, I will always be with you in mind and spirit. Maybe in the next life we can be together in a time of peace."

The light faded from his eyes as they shut one final time. Xiahou Dun and Xu Chu watched in disbelief, and tears fell from their eyes as they processed what just occurred. Xu Chu tightly gripped his blade and inwardly cursed himself for being so foolish and causing Xun Yu to be wounded in such a way.

Qin Shihuang laughed, and Xiahou Dun and Xu Chu looked up at him with anger in their eyes; however, he paid them no mind as he continued laughing.

"It's too bad that he's gone, he would have made an excellent slave," Qin Shihuang stated without an ounce of sympathy in his voice. "What? Are you mad at me? He was the weakest of you, it's only natural that he was the first to go. Now who's next?"

Cao Cao carefully placed Xun Yu's still body on the cold, hard floor and stared at the ground. He allowed tears to fall from his eyes as he mourned his lover's passing while feelings of anger and helplessness welled up within him, consuming him and cloaking him in a dark purple aura. Qin Shihuang chuckled at the sight.

"Whatever you're doing won't help you. None of you will leave here alive." Qin Shihuang stated confidently as he formed large golden shards in his hands.

A loud boom echoed in the room and the man was sent flying as a purple shockwave was sent in his direction. Qin Shihuang collided with the wall and coughed up golden blood. The blow disoriented him, and he struggled to see what the man was doing as his vision was blurred and he was overcome with shock. How did he do that, and how did I not know that he possessed so much power?

As his vision cleared, he saw that the man was still sitting in the same spot, and he smirked. So this man might just be my match. Will I die by his hand? Was the death of his adviser what finally unleashed his true power? The purple aura that surrounded him turned black and a black vortex of air surrounded him and Xun Yu's body.

"I refuse to let you get away with this." Cao Cao said as his voice echoed off the walls of the room.

Xiahou Dun and Xu Chu watched in shock as Xun Yu's body emitted a pure white light and a stream of Cao Cao's black energy merged with it, forming a blue barrier around his wounded body.

"Xun Yu will not fall here. Not by someone as slimy as you." Cao Cao stated coldly.

He slowly rose to his feet and approached the man. The black vortex that swirled around him dissipated and reappeared around the blue barrier that surrounded Xun Yu. Xiahou Dun and Xu Chu stared at the scene with shock and confusion etched on their faces, and they decided that it was best to stay out of their Lord's way while he was in such an enraged state.

Qin Shihuang looked at the man's face and grimaced as the room filled with murderous intent. Cao Cao's brown eyes that Xun Yu was so fond of changed into dark red slits, and his skin turned a pale shade of white as his black hair slowly changed into a vibrant blue.

What is happening to him? Qin Shihuang thought as fear became rooted in his heart. How is his form changing so rapidly before my eyes? This can't be good. I have to stop him before he can change any farther.

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