Chapter 46 - A Figure from the Past, Pt. 2

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Cao Cao was surprised by the question. He never thought that Xun Yu would ask him such a thing after clearly being upset, but he moved past his initial surprise and decided that it would be best to oblige if it cheered him up.

Cao Cao leaned in and gave him a soft kiss before pulling back. Xun Yu frowned as the man's warmth left him, and he tried to resist shivering as a chill settled over him. Since the ghost from his past had returned to haunt him, Xun Yu was repeatedly subject to feeling like he was freezing, even when the room or other area was warm; however, with that experience, he had come to understand that when he felt a slight chill, it was a sign that the ghost would soon return to frighten him.

"Wenruo, what's wrong? You look upset." Cao Cao said softly.

Xun Yu looked up at the man and tried to mask his distress behind a calm façade.

"Mengde, can I be perfectly honest with you?" Xun Yu asked as he tried to conceal his anxiousness.

The air in the room had changed ever so slightly, and a chill filled the air as the two sat down on the bed and Cao Cao motioned for him to continue.

"I'm not sure how to explain what is going on, but a ghost from my past has started to haunt me. I was once able to seal it away at great cost, but I am afraid that the seal has broken and that it will try to exact revenge on me. I think it is unsafe for you and others to be around me, and it would be best if everyone avoided me until things return to normal." Xun Yu stated shyly.

"Absolutely not," Cao Cao replied. "I am not going to avoid you simply because a ghost is trying to get revenge on you. I refuse to stand by and allow this to continue because I want to help you get through this. Please, let me help you."

Xun Yu sighed and the room became colder.

"I appreciate your offer, but I cannot allow you to put yourself in danger when your emotions have clouded your judgement. The ghost that haunts me is more dangerous than an ordinary ghost, and I don't want you to risk getting hurt or even killed just because you like me." Xun Yu said seriously.

The air became so cold that they could see their breath and Xun Yu looked around in panic.

"You need to leave! It's not safe here." Xun Yu gushed as he got up and tried to pull the man off the bed.

"But what if you get hurt? Am I just supposed to let it happen?" Cao Cao asked.

The ghost emerged from the wall behind the man with a grin hidden beneath the long black hair that covered its gray decaying face. Xun Yu's eyes widened in fear and he fervently pulled on the man as he tried to make him move; however, it was too late and the apparition jumped towards them with long, jagged claws that were ready to cut through flesh.

Xun Yu quickly grabbed the purple and black beaded necklace out of his pocket and wrapped it around his arm as he channeled energy into his left arm. He jumped up and got between the ghost and Cao Cao, effectively blocking the fiend's strike with his left arm.

Cao Cao turned around and saw the hideous form of the ghost that was currently trying to tear through Xun Yu, and he quickly looked around the room for something that he could use to slow it down or temporarily disable it. He saw a container of salt laying on a nearby table and he ran over and grabbed it before throwing a handful in the apparition's face. The ghoul shrieked and clutched its face in agony as it staggered backwards.

Xun Yu took the opportunity to concentrate even more energy into his left arm so he could effectively seal the ghost away; however, he needed something to seal it in and he had nothing in close to him. Nonetheless, he plunged his arm into the ghost's abdomen, and it screamed in pain as his energy suppressed its power and weakened it.

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