Chapter 1 - The Chaos Begins

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How long has it been? A few days have passed by, but it feels more like years. That creature, known as Bixie, has become the source of our fears. It first appeared in Luoyang and slaughtered several innocents, causing mass panic; however, I cannot afford to show any signs of worry or unrest. I am Lord Cao Cao's strategist after all, and I don't want to disappoint him or cause our men to lose faith – that would easily cost me my head. I need to quickly figure out how to deal with this situation before anyone else gets hurt. Xun Yu thought to himself as he walked down the long, seemingly endless hallway that led to his room. He was surprised when he walked into someone, bumping into their chest and falling backwards only to be caught by them moments later. He looked up and noticed that the person he bumped into was Guo Jia, a man with mid-length blonde hair who also served as strategist to Lord Cao Cao.

"Xun Yu, you need to be more careful," He chuckled, releasing Xun Yu after helping him stand up. "Is everything okay?"

Xun Yu blushed because he was right – the fact that he ran into him was careless, and he immediately apologized to him for it. The other strategist shook his head and laughed.

"Lord Cao Cao wouldn't like for you to be distracted, would he?" Guo Jia asked, watching as Xun Yu's face turned red. "I'm only joking, Xun Yu, but speaking of our Lord. He wanted to see you, and I have taken up too much of your time all ready. You know how anxious he gets when you're tardy." Guo Jia winked, causing Xun Yu to frown.

Xun Yu playfully hit his arm, his cheeks were a vibrant shade of red as he rolled his eyes at Guo Jia's remark. Guo Jia was right though – their Lord hates it when Xun Yu failed to arrive immediately after asking for his presence; however, there was nothing unusual about that. It makes sense that he wants his retainers to arrive promptly after summoning them – it shows that they are punctual and responsible, people worth trusting. Xun Yu thanked Guo Jia for telling him and quickly walked away to find their Lord's room in the endless maze of a palace. He eventually found himself in front of their Lord's door and took a deep breath, for some reason he couldn't push away the uneasiness that he was feeling today. Maybe I am getting sick? He quickly pushed the thought out of his mind and took a deep breath to try and calm himself before entering the room and greeting their Lord with his proper title while bowing; however, the words that their Lord would always say after his proper greetings would never fail to surprise him.

"Wenruo, there is no need for such formalities. I have told you to refer to me as Mengde when we are alone. It makes things simpler for the both of us." Cao Cao stated, eying the man curiously. His eyes held untold emotion within their depths, it was like he was gazing at his pride and joy, and Xun Yu felt an odd sensation within his stomach, like it was doing flips.

What is wrong with me? Maybe I really am getting sick.

"Uh, yes, of course. My Lord has stated that on several occasions, but I am afraid that I must beg for your forgiveness once more because this humble servant is unworthy of such an honor. This servant would never dream of disrespecting you in such a manner." Xun Yu replied, surprised when their Lord used his index finger to lift his chin up so that he was looking directly at him. His eyes were a deep chocolate color and they seemed to be staring into his soul, and Xun Yu felt the breath catch in his throat. What is this strange feeling?

"You have said that several times this past week, but let me ask you one thing – is it truly disrespectful if I give you permission?" Cao Cao questioned, removing his finger from Xun Yu's chin and returning to his spot on the floor. He pat a spot next to him, signaling Xun Yu to sit down. "Please, sit. We have much to discuss."

Xun Yu hesitantly took a seat in front of their Lord. His behavior was starting to become strange since Bixie appeared. Before the creature appeared, the Lord always wanted him close at hand; however, now that the creature has appeared, he constantly wants him by his side – it was even worse than before. I'm worried that Guo Jia is starting to resent me due to his crush on our Lord, but I have no interest in love – I don't even know what it is or what it feels like, so his resentment would be misplaced. Maybe I should speak to him about it later?

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