Chapter 31

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*Quick author's note: I just realized that I accidentally typed Xun Gun before instead of Xun Kun. I wanted to clear that up before you got confused by the name below. Hope you enjoy the chapter! Thanks for reading!

Xiahou Dun quickly grabbed his jian before sprinting with Xun Yu to his father's house. They ran as fast as they could manage, and within a matter of minutes Xun Yu and Xiahou Dun arrived at the house where his father was devoured. Quickly and quietly, the two walked into the house, trying their best to avoid alerting the tiger to their presence.

As the two looked around the house for the tiger, they were bombarded with a general feeling of anxiety and unease. The tiger was nowhere to be seen, only Xun Kun's mutilated body was in sight; however, that did not ease their nerves. The thought of a ravenous tiger roaming freely through the city was enough to make their hair stand on end.

"Shit! I shouldn't have asked you so many questions. Maybe we could have got here sooner and killed it." Xiahou Dun stated, he was clearly displeased with himself.

Xun Yu remained silent and ventured farther into the house so he could examine the grizzly scene. He knew that the tiger was acting on Qin Shi Hunagdi's orders, but more than anything, he wanted to make sure that no one else would get hurt. He looked at his father's face that was paralyzed with fear, eyes wide open, and he gently closed the man's eyes.

Father... you did not deserve this hand that fate dealt you. I will mourn your untimely passing for many moons, and I will see to it that you receive a proper burial. In honor of you, I will make sure that no one else meets the same fate as you tonight.

A pool of sticky, crimson blood surrounded his father's body; however, as Xun Yu looked closer at it, he noticed that bloody paw prints went in the direction of his father's room. That's odd. Why would the tiger go to my father's room?

Xun Yu channeled his magical prowess into each of his five senses, and immediately knew that the tiger was still in the house with them. Turning to his right, he could see that the tiger was about to pounce on Xiahou Dun, who was currently unaware. Without giving it much thought, Xun Yu immediately reacted and called out to the man.

"General, look out!" He exclaimed, watching in horror as the tiger jumped towards the man that agreed to help him.

Then, his body acted of its own accord, and he tackled the man, saving him from harm as the tiger soared over them, hitting the wall behind them with a loud thud.

"Xun Yu, are you insane?! Mengde would kill me if you got hurt!" Xiahou Dun exclaimed. He was shocked that someone as fragile and pragmatic as Xun Yu saved him from harm.

Xun Yu scoffed at the man's statement because he knew that the man was being overdramatic. Cao Cao would never kill one of his favored generals over something as silly as an injury. Xun Yu ignored the concerned and outraged looks that Xiahou Dun was giving him and chose to focus on the tiger that was circling them with vicious red eyes, planning its next move.

As the tiger stepped into the faint light of the moon, Xiahou Dun felt every ounce of courage in his body shrivel into nothingness. He gulped nervously and his palms began to sweat, he couldn't fathom how such a terrifying creature came to exist.

"What kind of tiger is that?!" He asked nervously, unable to believe that the beast before them was real.

Xun Yu, however, did not pay attention to the man's question, and chose to focus his attention on trying to figure out the tiger's next move. As the two circled the beast, the tiger followed them in a circular motion, both parties were waiting for an opening to present itself.

Xun Yu briefly glanced behind him to see if there was anything that he could use to his advantage, and he noticed a conveniently placed weapon rack that was full of spears. Perfect, he thought to himself. If I can time this right and get it to pounce at me, then it should impale itself on the spears. I hope this works.

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