Chapter 47 - The Final Battle, Part 1

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It was a rough journey for Xun Yu and Cao Cao as they were tossed side to side on the bumpy road to Beihai in a cart covered with hay. Cheng Yu chose to transport them in this way so he could avoid being arrested by Cao Cao's men and causing any unwanted suspicion.

"Xun Yu, are you awake?" Cao Cao asked quietly.

"Of course I am, it's hard to sleep when this cart keeps tossing me everywhere." Xun Yu hissed.

"I have to ask," Cao Cao said ignoring the man's frustrated comment. "How will the others know where we are and what to do? Did you tell them beforehand?"

"I foresaw that you would want to finish things with Qin Shihuang, so I told them two days in advance to give them time to prepare. Xun You should be distracting the beasts as we speak, and Xiahou Dun and Xu Chu should be disguised as members of his army. Everything has been put into place for your victory." Xun Yu replied as he tried to keep hay from getting in his mouth.

The cart slowed to a stop and Cao Cao and Xun Yu heard a guard ask Cheng Yu what he was transporting.

"I have brought Cao Cao and Xun Yu for my Lord to do as he pleases with them." Cheng Yu stated proudly.

The guard allowed him to pass and the cart began to move again.

"It appears that our long journey is coming to an end," Cao Cao whispered. "Xun Yu, what will you do when this is all over?"

Xun Yu sighed and closed his eyes. He knew that the reason why they set out together was close to an end, and no matter how many times he tried to fight against the fear of uncertainty that gripped him, he just couldn't bring himself to bear the thought of what could happen. Even now, he felt nervous and hesitant to imagine the future because even he had no idea of what could happen, and the uncertainty of it all made him feel nauseous.

"I don't know," Xun Yu replied hesitantly. "I'm honestly scared of what the future holds, but I would rather not get into why when we should focus on the matter at hand."

"Fine, I'll accept that answer for now, but I want you to tell me everything when we're finished here," Cao Cao answered. "Even after everything ends, I still want to be near you and listen to what you have to say. You mean a lot to me, and I promise that nothing will change between us."

Xun Yu took in a deep breath and tears formed in his eyes. That's what I wanted to hear. For so long I was worried that he would dispose of me after we completed our goal, but now I know that he still wants me by his side even in peace. Just hearing that makes my heart swell with happiness...

"Thank you," Xun Yu whispered softly. "You have no idea how happy that makes me."

The cart traveled a little farther before coming to a stop. A pair of muscular arms reached into the cart and pulled Xun Yu out, and another pair reached into the cart and pulled Cao Cao out. The two muscular men then escorted Cao Cao, Xun Yu, and Cheng Yu inside the palace at Beihai to Qin Shihuang's throne room.

Cao Cao and Xun Yu were forced onto their knees as Cheng Yu bowed and greeted the arrogant ruler before him. The man laughed and stood on his feet as he walked over to Cheng Yu.

"Excellent work, you have done me a great service. You are now free from servitude as I no longer require your services." Qin Shihuang stated coldly.

He snapped and Cheng Yu clutched his head as it throbbed in pain. He then looked around like he was confused and lost before looking at Cao Cao and Xun Yu with an expression of utter horror on his face.

"My Lord?! Xun Yu?!" Cheng Yu gushed. "Why are you tied up, and where are we?"

"Would you believe me if I said that you did this, and then brought us all the way here?" Xun Yu inquired with a false smile.

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