Chapter 11

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The group of four miraculously managed to make it to the palace in Luoyang unharmed. When their eyes landed on the palace, the group of four immediately became unnerved. The air around the palace was drenched in misery and despair as lost souls floated around it. Everyone looked at the sight with curiosity and fear in their eyes. Well, everyone except Xiahou Dun, who looked at the sight with morbid delight. Is he okay? Xun Yu thought to himself as Xiahou Dun's heavy breathing filled the air; however, as soon as it began, it stopped, and his breathing returned to normal.

"All right guys. Let's go kill some ghosts!" Xiahou Dun exclaimed, excitedly walking towards the palace entrance.

"Master Xiahou Dun! Please wait," Xun Yu said urgently. "We can't just rush in there. We need a plan."

Xun Yu paused and noticed that Xiahou Dun and Guo Jia were already running inside the building. He face palmed and wondered how he got stuck with those two before realizing that it was because of his Lord. Speaking of Cao Cao, where was he?

"Hey Xun Yu." Cao Cao said from behind the man, startling him.

"Where were you? For a second, I thought that you blindly rushed in with Xiahou Dun and Guo Jia." Xun Yu stated.

"Um, no. I had to take a pee pee break." The ruler replied with an innocent smile and chuckle.

Xun Yu just stared at him. I swear, I am surrounded by two-year olds. Oh well, at least he's cute.

"Well, come on then. We might as well join in on the fun." Cao Cao said, grabbing Xun Yu's hand and running towards the building. "We can't afford to let them die."

If they're dumb enough to blindly charge into certain death, then we probably can. Xun Yu thought to himself. He was still upset that no one wanted to listen to his plan; however, he reasoned that he couldn't let them die – not when they were his friends. As the two entered the building, they noticed that the place looked like a frozen, blue wonderland. Souls freely drifted around, crystal clear icicles jutted out from the glowing, blue ground, and the air had an unnatural chill to it. The whole scene would have been beautiful, breathtaking even, if the reason for its existence wasn't an evil, otherworldly force.

"This is amazing," Cao Cao whispered as his eyes took in the majesty of the room. "What caused this?"

"Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu are not supposed to walk among the living. Rather, they are supposed to be dead, still, and cold for all eternity. The current state of this place is because the coldness that their souls radiate to replicate death." Xun Yu replied.

Just then a loud thud could be heard coming from the other side of the palace. Xun Yu suspected that it had something to do with Guo Jia and Xiahou Dun, so he grabbed Cao Cao's hand and quickly ran towards the source of the sound. As much as the two irritated him at times, Xun Yu knew that he couldn't just let them die – a little aggravation was not worth letting them die over.

"Is that all you've got?!" A voice boomed, echoing loudly throughout the palace.

Xun Yu and Cao Cao quickly hid behind a nearby pillar to conceal themselves from Lu Bu and get an idea about what was going on. They peaked out from behind the safety of the pillar and saw the ghostly figure of Lu Bu towering over Xiahou Dun, who laid on the floor gazing up at the beast, blood dripping from his mouth. The spirit glowed red, symbolic of his rage and love for bloodshed, and Xiahou Dun could only look up at him in fear. He was hurt – he had been punched in the jaw by Lu Bu. Xun Yu scanned the room looking for Guo Jia. Eventually, the man peaked his head out from behind a pillar across the room, and Xun Yu felt relief wash over him. I'm glad that they haven't been hurt too bad, but where is Dong Zhuo? Xun Yu looked around the room again, but he didn't see anyone else. Maybe he is away and I can use this to my advantage.

Xun Yu pulled a necklace of black and vibrant purple beads out of his pocket and wrapped it around his arm. I have to stop this before Xiahou Dun gets hurt any worse. Xun Yu chanted a spell and he could feel power coursing through his veins. He knew that the spell could easily hurt him, and he felt his energy slowly being drained – he needed to finish things quickly. Closing his eyes, he leapt out from behind the pillar as Lu Bu swung his halberd down at Xiahou Dun. He sighed in relief when he opened his eyes and saw that he had successfully plunged his hand into Lu Bu's torso. The ghost gasped and growled in rage, pushing Xun Yu away as he fell to his knees, and Xiahou Dun gazed at the scene in shock.

"What have you done to me?!" Lu Bu roared as his body grew weaker and began to fade. "You pest! I'll destroy you!" He lunged at Xun Yu, and Cao Cao jumped in front of him.

Lu Bu faded into dust before his halberd could make contact, and Xun Yu stared at the back of the man in front him like he couldn't comprehend what just happened. Loud clapping echoed in the room as a large, portly man emerged from behind a large, ice covered throne. He had a smug grin plastered on his hideous face, and he let out a loud, maniacal laugh.

"Well done. I applaud you for effortlessly taking out Lu Bu, but this is as far as you go. Bixie, come out and great our guests!" The man exclaimed, and his grin became bigger as Bixie entered the room, surrounded by a menacing purple aura.

It all makes sense now. I can't afford to hurt Bixie. The unnatural purple aura around his body reveals that he is being controlled by Dong Zhuo, and if I can eliminate him, then the creature should return to normal. Xun Yu thought to himself. He told Cao Cao and the others to distract Bixie while he took care of Dong Zhuo, and they all agreed to the plan, even Cao Cao, who was worried that Xun Yu would get hurt by the larger man. I have to hurry. I have used up a lot of my strength in the few moments it took to kill Lu Bu.

Xun Yu and Dong Zhuo exchanged blows with neither one of them gaining the upper hand, until Dong Zhuo miscalculated his sidestep and tripped on a collapsed pillar. Xun Yu quickly seized the opportunity and touched Dong Zhuo with his enchanted hand. The man cursed at him and faded into nothingness. It's finally over. Xun Yu then disenchanted his arm and managed to put the necklace back into his pocket before collapsing on the floor.

"Wenruo!" Cao Cao cried as he ran over to Xun Yu, whose vision was slowly fading.

After looking at Bixie and noticing that the purple aura was replaced by its normal, pale blue glow, Xun Yu finally allowed himself to relax and fade out of consciousness. He was content that he had managed to save his friends, but seeing Cao Cao's concerned, saddened eyes hurt him, and he hoped to wake up soon. Mengde, I'm sorry...

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