Chapter 34 - Yuan Shao's Mysterious Potion

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Greeted by the light of the rising sun and the chirping of birds, Xun You set out on his journey to Guandu. The temperature was perfect, it was not too hot or too cold, but, despite the perfect weather, Xun You still preferred the thought of sitting in his office, a safe distance from most people and danger.

After taking another glance at the map, Xun You realized that he was not too far from the town, and he speculated that he would arrive shortly before noon tomorrow.

As he followed the well-traversed path before him, he took in the various sights and sounds that nature had to offer, and his opinion on the situation changed ever so slightly. This isn't so bad, but I would never do this again.

After traveling for hours, the sun began to set and night soon reigned, bathing the land in darkness. Xun You debated with himself as to whether or not he should stop for the night before eventually deciding to continue on for the night.

The following afternoon, Xun You made it to Guandu feeling overcome with exhaustion. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, and its warmth beat down on Xun You and added to his tiredness; he wanted to rest his weary limbs, his body was aching from hours of non-stop horseback riding, but he did not have time to rest – he had a mission to complete.

Sighing to himself over his misfortune, Xun You pulled a quick snack out of one of the many hidden pockets on his robe and ate it to avoid any oncoming feelings of hunger.

After the devouring his snack, Xun You began his hunt for Yuan Shao, and he immediately frowned at how vast the city was before him. If I search every corner of this city then it will take several days to find him. Maybe if I try to think like him, then things will go quicker. Xun You looked around the bustling city for an establishment that looked up to Yuan Shao's level of arrogance and nobility.

When he finally noticed a building that stood out as an establishment for the nobility, Xun You couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over him. Maybe my search for this man won't last too long after all.

The building was very detailed, lively plants lined a small well-kept walkway, and a sign featured the building's name in gold paint – "Yellow Dragon Teahouse."

Xun You put his horse in a nearby stable and walked up to the teahouse. As he entered the place, he couldn't help but feel disgusted by the lavishness of it, but he had to find Yuan Shao, even if it meant sitting in a pretentious teahouse for a while.

Xun You sat down at a relatively small table with a bench near the back corner of the room, and a girl immediately made her way over to the table.

"Greetings sir," She said in a soft, delicate voice. "Welcome to the Yellow Dragon Teahouse. What can I get for you today?"

"Nice place you have here," Xun You said awkwardly, internally raging at himself for lying. "I will have a Jasmine tea."

The girl looked at him with confusion in her eyes. He just ordered a common tea that he could get anywhere at a teahouse that was made for the nobility. She didn't dare to question the man, but her friendly smile quickly returned and she hopped off to make his tea.

Shortly after she left to get Xun You's order started, a man with graying hair and vibrant purple robes walked in with a joyful smile on his face. He looked arrogant, almost smug, and Xun You watched the man with interest as he took a seat a few tables away.

He looked around like he was expecting someone, and Xun You resisted the urge to smile happily to himself. This has to be him; it has to be. As he examined the wrinkles that lined the man's face, the cheerful girl from earlier bounded over to the man's table and took his order.

She then went to the back room and started his before bringing Xun You's order over to him, and he paid her what he owed, leaving a little extra for the tea's delightful fragrance and taste.

Xun You quietly sipped his tea, and an average looking man suddenly walked into the teahouse. He looked nervously around the establishment before hesitantly walking over to the man with the bright purple robes.

"A-Are you Yuan Shao?" He asked, stuttering.

"Yes. I assume you are here about the offer I posted?" Yuan Shao inquired quietly.

The average-looking man nodded his head yes, and Xun You watched as a sickening smile formed on Yuan Shao's lips.

"Perfect," He said happily. "Let's go to my place and we can get you started on your job."

Yuan Shao left payment for the tea he was yet to receive and grabbed the peasant's arm, rushing out of the establishment. Xun You quickly got up and followed a safe distance behind them; he didn't want to alert them to his presence.

It did not take long until they reached their destination, a normal sized abode in the middle of the city. As he quickly looked around the house, Xun You noticed a small crack in the wall and decided to spy on the two using it.

"You must be thirsty after all of that walking. Here, drink this." Yuan Shao said as he offered a glass of gold colored liquid to the man.

"Th-Thank you." The man replied, gently taking the cup in both hands and drinking its contents.

Xun You watched on in horror as the man began to convulse and grunt in pain. Once the man fell to his knees, his aura changed into something much more sinister and menacing, and his body was surrounded by a faint yellow glow.

"For... the glory of Lord Yuan Shao..." The man said in a zombie-like, monotone voice.

Yuan Shao laughed manically and opened a nearby trapdoor that lead to the cellar.

"Yes, that's a good puppet. Now come, we need to get you ready for your task." Yuan Shao said as he lead the man down into the cellar, closing the door behind them.

Xun You backed away from the wall, mortified by what he just saw. He knew that he had to report his findings to Cao Cao immediately.

"Excuse me mister, what are you staring at?" A man asked before firmly placing a hand on Xun You's butt.

Xun You jumped and immediately turned around to glare at the man who dared to grab his butt in such a manner, but his facial expression softened when he saw who it was.

"Jia Xu, I am so glad to see you," Xun You said, not bothering to ask the man why he was there or why he had just groped his butt. "I need to report to our Lord right away."

"Yeah, about that... I was sent by our Lord to help you, and my legs are still sore since I just got here. Is there any chance that we can rest for a while first?" Jia Xu inquired.

Xun You shook his head no and explained the situation to Jia Xu as they mounted their horses and started back to Xuchang. I hope we make it back in time. I have a feeling that Yuan Shao's plan involves our capital. Xun You thought silently to himself as he fought against the terrible thought that made his stomach churn.

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