Chapter 36

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~~~ Hello readers, I apologize for the long break without an update again. I need to work on setting an update schedule for myself, but I don't think that would go too well. Anyway, thank you for choosing to read this chapter and this book. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and more chapters are on the way! ~~~

Cao Cao sat down on the bed and gazed at the floor. Never before had he felt such a dreadful presence, one that drained his energy just by being near an apparition of it.

I can't afford to lose. The fate of the realm is resting on my shoulders, and I can't afford to let him corrupt someone as pure as Xun Yu. I won't allow it!

Xun Yu looked down at Cao Cao and noticed that the man's body was trembling. He desperately wanted to say something and reassure the man that everything would be okay, but how could he say that when there was a possibility that things would not turn out okay?

Xun Yu sat down beside the man and gently wrapped his arms around him in a hug. He sat still with Cao Cao's shaking body against his chest, and he allowed silence to wash over them. Every emotion that went through the man's mind reflected off of him in waves, and Xun Yu fought against the tears forming in his eyes.

He couldn't take it. He couldn't just sit there and helplessly watch as the man battled with emotions. He wanted to reassure the man, even if it ended up being a lie.

"Mengde, please do not worry. Everything will be okay." Xun Yu whispered softly.

"Wenruo," Cao Cao uttered quietly as he looked up at the man with dull eyes.

Xun Yu could tell that the ordeal was slowly draining the man of his strength, and he pulled the man close to him, never wanting to lose him.

"Please don't give up, I know that we can make it through this together." Xun Yu said.

"I do not plan on giving up, I'm just scared of what will happen to you if I die during this ordeal." Cao Cao replied softly.

Xun Yu froze and his face took on a sad expression.

"Mengde, please don't say such things, it only makes the situation even more grim." Xun Yu stated as he tried not to dwell on the man's previous statement.

"But it is a possibility that we can't ignore. Just being in a situation like this has made me realize how insignificant I am – I am nothing more than a grain of sand blowing in the wind. I wanted to unite this land, to restore it to its former glory, but what would be the point? Many years from now, someone else would rise to power and bring an end to that era of peace. Tell me Wenruo, what is the point of my efforts if they are doomed to be undermined?" Cao Cao asked.

Xun Yu sat in stunned silence for a few moments. How long has he felt like this, and why is he just now telling me? Tears threatened to spill from his eyes, but he didn't want to make the man feel guilty for confessing his feelings, so he held them in.

Such terrible thoughts, no one should ever have to face alone. I want to help him feel better, but how can I? Xun Yu was at a loss for how to reply. Seeing the man who was usually calm and perverted in such an unhappy state shocked him; his personality was completely different and mirrored the sadness that haunted his thoughts.

"I do not have a perfect response for you, but nothing is ever truly perfect. You might view yourself as a grain of sand, but you are so much more than that. All of your efforts are to ensure that families know peace, and your cause is a noble burden, one that has caused many to turn against you, but to one day see the land united in harmony again is also what has attracted others to you. Everyone that has chosen to serve you, we are all fighting for the same goal as you, and even if we are just grains of sand, grains of sand also serve a purpose. You are no different." Xun Yu stated.

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