Chapter 38

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Hua Tuo, a man known throughout the land for his ability to cure any ailment, walked into the palace at Xuchang and was greeted by a grim looking Xiahou Dun. The one-eyed general quickly escorted the doctor to Cao Cao's room, and the two watched as the man laying in bed clutched the sheets so tight that his knuckles appeared white.

"Please, you have to help him," Xiahou Dun said with a pleading tone in his voice. "He gets terrible headaches, and he passes out at times when he gets irritated. I have heard tales of your amazing feats in medicine, and I didn't know what to do so I requested your aid."

Hua Tuo sighed and avoided raising his gaze from the floor. Of the many places that he could be at this moment, he wished that it was anywhere but here. He heard terrible rumors about how Cao Cao would dispose of those who did not support his cause, and, although he knew that they were probably just rumors, he couldn't shake off the fear that he felt.

"Master Xiahou Dun, has anything been a source of great stress to your Lord recently?" Hua Tuo asked quietly, afraid to raise his voice.

"Well, he has mentioned a few things, but I didn't think they bothered him enough to the point where he would pass out!" Xiahou Dun exclaimed, amazed by his own cluelessness.

Cao Cao stirred and forced himself to roll over so that he faced the two men that were standing close to the doorway.

"Hua Tuo, please, can you help me?" Cao Cao asked softly as his head throbbed like it was on the verge of exploding.

"Lord Cao Cao, your headaches are a side effect of a greater ailment, and excess stress can trigger an intense episode that can cause you to pass out. I can give you herbal supplements to ease your pain, but I recommend avoiding stressful activities for the next thirty days. Also, where is that strategist of yours? Having him close to you is also beneficial."

Xiahou Dun's eyes widened in shock, and Cao Cao glared at the man through eyes that were almost clenched shut in pain. How does he know about Xun Yu? And can Xun Yu's presence help prevent these awful headaches?

The slim doctor, who suddenly felt bold, smirked and placed a large bag of supplements on the nightstand next to the bed. He then leaned down next to the man and whispered: "I might just be a doctor, but even I have my means. It would be in your best interest not to upset him or lose him."

"You..." Cao Cao said weakly before collapsing again.

"Mengde!" Xiahou Dun exclaimed in shock as he rushed over to his cousin. "What did you say to him?"

"I told him to take the pills when he experiences any pain in his head or when a stressful event happens. You might want to remind him when he wakes up though, he might not remember the instructions." Hua Tuo replied calmly.

Xiahou Dun looked dubious, but he decided to trust the man's words.

"Very well, I can do that. Allow me to pay and escort you out of the palace." Xiahou Dun stated before yelling. "Xun You!"

Xun You immediately rushed down the hallway and into Cao Cao's room.

"Xun You, can you keep watch over our Lord while I escort Hua Tuo out of the palace?" Xiahou Dun asked, and without waiting for the man to reply, he started walking towards the door with Hua Tuo. "Thanks, I appreciate it!"

Xun You sighed. He was now alone in a room with an unconscious man and without anything to do. All he had to keep himself occupied were his thoughts, and his mind wondered to something that now captured his curiosity. Isn't Xun Yu usually the one who keeps our Lord company? If he's not here, then where is he? It's unusual for him to be missing at a time like this.

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