Chapter 24 - Father's Blessing

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Xun Yu blushed and stared at him in disbelief. Embarrassed, Xun Yu quickly washed the last two dishes and Cao Cao dried them. Within a minute, the two finished the dishes and returned to the table. Fortunately, Xun Yu's blush was gone and, once again, Cao Cao thanked Xun Gun for having him as a guest. Xun Yu also thanked his father for helping them on such short notice and being an excellent host as he tightly squeezed Cao Cao's hand under the table, bracing himself for what he was about to say next.

"Baba, there is something that I have to tell you." Xun Yu said seriously.

He was struggling to hide his nervousness as his father focused his attention on him, and his grip on Cao Cao's hand tightened. Cao Cao, however, ignored the pain that his hand was in, and managed to give Xun Yu's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Baba, I am thankful that you did not force me into an arranged marriage, and I know that you have hoped I would fall in love with a nice woman and give you grandchildren. And, well, to tell you the truth, I have fallen in love," Xun Gun's eyes lit up when Xun Yu said that; however, seeing that reaction, Xun Yu knew that he was about to disappoint his father. "I am... in love with Lord Cao Cao. He is the most amazing man I have ever met, and I love him with all of my being. Please don't be mad at me, Baba. I wanted you to meet him, so you could see the man that I love."

Tears flowed from Xun Yu's eyes and he turned to Cao Cao, burying his face in the man's chest. Xun Yu didn't know why he was crying, especially when his father didn't say anything yet, but as Cao Cao gently rubbed his back Xun Yu felt himself slowly calming down. However, Xun Gun looked like he was about to faint. What he just heard shocked him to the core, but it was not unexpected – he figured out that Xun Yu wasn't romantically interested in girls at a young age, so the fact that Xun Yu was in love with a man wasn't what shocked him, it was who he fell in love with. Xun Yu had fallen in love with his ruler, someone who could easily take his life and make it look like an accident if things went awry between them. Xun Gun wondered if Xun Yu knew the gravity of the situation that he was in and he gazed at his son with a concerned look as he sobbed on the ruler's chest. Cao Cao saw the look on the man's face and could guess what he was thinking.

"Xun Gun, please do not worry about your son's safety. I can assure you that I love him very much and would never harm him. He means too much to me. Wenruo is an amazing man, he is gorgeous both inside and out, and I am very lucky to have him by my side. I love him with all of my being, and I treasure his existence." Cao Cao stated firmly as he continued to rub Xun Yu's back.

It was obvious that he meant every word, and Xun Yu wrapped his arms around the man as he finally managed to stop his tears from flowing. Xun Gun's gaze softened. He could tell that they were really in love, and he hoped that they would stay like that in the future because he had never seen his son gaze at someone with eyes full of love and passion, and he just wanted his son to be happy.

"Yu er," Xun Gun said softly, causing Xun Yu to turn and look at him. "I can see that you two care about each other very much. In fact, it was obvious the moment that you two entered the house," He sighed. "You are growing up, you are no longer the little boy that you once were, but no matter who or what you love, you will always be my son. I love you, Yu er, and I just want to see you happy. And if that means you love Lord Cao Cao, then so be it. I will always love you and support whatever relationship you find yourself in." Xun Gun said warmly.

Xun Yu smiled, overjoyed with what his father just said to him. He was so happy and relieved that his father approved of his relationship with Cao Cao. It felt like a weight was lifted off of his shoulders, and he got up from where he sat and bowed before his father, thanking him for his approval. Cao Cao did the same, but Xun Gun shook his head and helped the two stand up. He felt like he did not deserve thanks since he was just doing what any other person would do, but nonetheless, that didn't change how happy it made Xun Yu and Cao Cao to hear those kind words because they could now freely go about their relationship without worrying about Xun Gun's disapproval. The two felt as though a great weight was lifted off of their shoulders, and they thanked Xun Gun again for his kind and understanding nature. Since the sun was starting to set, Cao Cao and Xun Yu decided that it would be best if they started their journey back to the palace, and Xun Gun escorted them to the door.

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