Chapter 28

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~~~ Happy new year guys! I hope everyone is enjoying their day. Hope everyone is healthy and safe! Thank you for reading my story, and have a great day/night! ~~~

Shortly after that, Cao Cao walked over to the group, and Guo Jia turned to him, bowing as he tried to conceal his jealousy.

"Greetings my Lord, I assume your raid against Zhuge Liang's forces went well?" Guo Jia inquired, not daring to look up as he gazed at the ground.

If only I was more fortunate and realized it sooner, maybe then we could have been something more than friends. Guo Jia thought bitterly to himself.

Cao Cao turned to look at him with a questioning look. Hm, that's strange, Guo Jia rarely bows. In fact, he usually refers to me in a casual manner. Have I done something to upset him? He walked over to the man who was still bowing, staring intently at the ground, and he gently touched the man's shoulder.

"Fengxiao, there is no need for you to be so formal. We are close friends after all, so please stand up," Guo Jia stood up but still refused to look directly at the man's eyes.

"And, to answer your question, the raid went well. In fact, it went so well that his force is on the verge of collapse. If we seal off their supply route and attack them while they are weak and hungry, then I am certain that they will no longer pose a threat to us. Oh, and Fengxiao, thank you for entertaining Xun Yu today. I hope that you two were able to have fun." Cao Cao stated.

Xun Yu glanced at Guo Jia, who made no sign of attempting to move or speak, and, to ease the tension that filled the air, Xun Yu decided to speak.

"Fengxiao and I had a lot of fun, my Lord. In fact, he made every effort possible to ensure that today was enjoyable." Xun Yu stated nervously as he glanced at Guo Jia, causing the man to look up at him in surprise.

Wenruo, you actually had fun with me? Guo Jia thought to himself. He couldn't contain his delight upon hearing those words, and a smile came to rest on his lips.

"But Mengde, why didn't you tell me that you were personally going to lead the attack against Zhuge Liang? What if something happened to you? I don't want to see you get hurt or worse." Xun Yu said as he gazed at the ruler with sad eyes.

Cao Cao pulled him close and wrapped his arms around the man.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. In fact, that's what I was trying to avoid. I thought that you wouldn't feel as stressed if I didn't tell you that I was going to fight. I'm sorry. Can you ever forgive me?" Cao Cao inquired as he gazed at Xun Yu with eyes full of sincerity.

Xun Yu nodded his head and wrapped his arms around Cao Cao, looking up at the man with fondness and love in his eyes. Cao Cao gazed back at him with an equal fondness and love, and Guo Jia sighed as he looked upon the scene. This is awkward, I should go. Guo Jia thought to himself as he turned and walked in the direction of the camp's chef. As he walked away, he glanced back at the scene one last time.

I have no chance of ever holding him like that, but at least he is happy. Maybe one day I will find someone who is able to love me. Guo Jia turned and continued walking in the direction of the camp's eating area with the hope that he would be able to get enough wine to drown his sorrows and feel nothing more than the warm feeling of alcohol.

After all, Guo Jia was desperate to feel anything other than the sadness that was starting to seep through his bones, and so he sullenly walked to his destination, hoping to forget about his worries with a strong drink.

Xun Yu frowned as he watched the man's retreating form. He knew that his friend had a bad habit of drinking whenever he was upset, and he couldn't ease the worry that suddenly entered his mind. He then gave Cao Cao a pleading look, one that begged the man to release him so he could try and cheer up his friend; however, he suddenly froze in place, feeling hopeless.

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