Chapter 4

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Xun Yu led the group of Cao Cao, Xiahou Dun, and two soldiers to the entrance of the sewers. He signaled for them all to remain quiet in case the man was still there, and they all nodded to show that they understood. Xun Yu then led the group into the sewers and was surprised to see that the man was still there, vigorously chanting. Cao Cao motioned for Xiahou Dun and the two soldiers to apprehend the man, and the three immediately moved into position.

"Freeze! Put your hands in the air!" Xiahou Dun exclaimed, pointing his sword at the man.

The man, who was clearly startled, tried to look for an exit, but found that the only one was blocked by the two soldiers. Resigning himself to defeat, the man turned to look at Xiahou Dun and laughed like he had just heard the best joke ever. When he saw the confused look on Xiahou Dun's face, he decided to explain why he was laughing.

"You're supposed to say that if you have gun, but you're clearly holding a sword, not a gun." The man stated while laughing hysterically.

"It wasn't that funny, you creep. You're coming with us!" Xiahou Dun said as the two soldiers came forward to bind the man's wrists and escort him out.

Cao Cao and Xun Yu silently followed the others out of the sewers. Xun Yu knew that the man would be tortured, and he desperately wanted to say something that would stop his Lord from hurting the man. No one deserved to suffer the pain that his Lord would inflict on people to punish them for crimes or to extract information – Xun Yu could never bear to watch it and would always stay away from the prison when he knew someone was going to be punished. When he knew they weren't going to be punished, he would go and spend time with the prisoners, listening to them as they would tell him their stories, and he would prepare meals for them in return. Most of the people there were not murders or rapists, it was usually people found conspiring against their Lord or people that could not afford to pay their taxes, and it made him happy to try and offer them an act of kindness, to show that they could be given another chance. He found himself desperately wanting to voice his thoughts to his Lord, but every time he opened his mouth, no sound would come out.

"My Lord..." Xun Yu finally managed to say. His voice sounded odd, foreign to him – it was too soft and shaky to be his own.

Cao Cao turned to look at him, curiosity was evident in his face as he wondered why Xun Yu stopped and didn't voice his thoughts. "Is something wrong, Xun Yu?"

"Well, uh, not exactly," Xun Yu began as he looked down at the ground, playing with his thumbs as he tried to avoid eye contact. "I, uh, please forgive me for saying this, but I hate it when you torture people. I know I am in no position to request things from you, but I was wondering if you could refrain from hurting this man." Cao Cao gave him a weird look, it was quiet except for the chattering of people around them. "Oh, uh, my apologies. It was foolish of me to ask that."

Cao Cao laughed. "No, it's fine. I appreciate your honesty on the matter. You are not the first to suggest that we punish people a little less cruel, but, since you are asking, I think I can make an exception on one condition." The ruler smiled, causing Xun Yu to become confused.

"Wha-" Was all Xun Yu managed to say before the ruler wrapped an arm around his slender waist, pulling the man close to him.

"You have to let me hold you close, like this, until we get back to the palace." The Lord stated, watching as Xun Yu's cheeks became a vibrant shade of crimson, and he couldn't help the smile that found its way to his lips at Xun Yu's adorable reaction. He noticed how stiff the man was in his arm and he decided to lean close to his ear before whispering. "What's wrong, Wenruo?"

"We are in public. Are you not worried that people will see and start to spread nasty rumors about you?" Xun Yu replied, the panic and fear that he felt was evident in his voice. He once again desperately tried to avoid eye contact with his Lord.

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