Chapter 32

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* Hey guys, I am back with another chapter. I hope you enjoy it, and feel free to suggest improvements and leave feedback. Thank you for reading this, and have a great day/night. *

"Xun Yu is in danger! I have to go!" Cao Cao exclaimed, bolting out of the room with Xiahou Dun following close behind him.

"Mengde, wait up!" Xiahou Dun yelled as he struggled to keep up with the man.

The tranquil water at the pond's surface was disturbed by faint ripples. The lily pads acknowledged those ripples by faintly bobbing up and down with their flow, but Xun Yu failed to notice it. A shadow-like figure cloaked in black silently emerged from the water with an almost unnoticeable yellow aura surrounding it.

For... the glory of my Lord... The figure thought to itself as it reached out and grabbed Xun Yu. Just then, Cao Cao and Xiahou Dun burst through the door that lead to the outside garden.

"Wenruo! Let go of him!" Cao Cao exclaimed, jumping at the figure with such force that he tackled it into the pond.

There was a loud splash as water erupted out of the pond, and Xun Yu turned to look at the pond with a terrified expression. He watched, frozen in place, as Cao Cao and the shadowy figure of a man fought against each other in the water.

The figure punched Cao Cao in the face with such force that he staggered backwards and fell flat on his back in the water. Within a matter of seconds, the shadowy figure closed the distance between them and leaped on the man, wrapping his hands tightly around the man's neck in an attempt to strangle him.

The air around them began to violently blow and howl around the garden, it was like they were caught up in an inescapable storm. Xiahou Dun leaped forward to help, but Xun Yu sent everyone flying in separate directions with the wave of his hands when he spoke loud but firm.

"Stay off of him..." Xun Yu said, his voice dripping with malice.

He turned to look at the shadowy man that had his hands wrapped around Cao Cao's throat moments before without any trace of emotion in his eyes, but the anger that he felt was almost palpable.

He stepped towards the man as the wind howled around them, it seemed to grow rougher with each second that passed. Xun Yu quickly extended his arm and managed to hold the man by the throat without putting a hand on him. The man struggled and kicked to free himself from the invisible force that held him in the air, but it had no effect.

"Now, you will never harm anyone ever again..." Xun Yu said, closing the palm of his hand into a fist.

The man whimpered and continued to struggle, but his struggle soon ended when his body grew limp. Xun Yu snapped out of his trance upon seeing the man's lifeless body, and watched with horror as the body fell to the ground with a dull thud. Afraid of what he just did, Xun Yu backed away and fell down with tears in his eyes.

"No, no, I just... I just killed someone." He whispered in shock and disbelief to himself as the winds began to frantically blow around him.

Seeing what was happening, Cao Cao got up and tried to run over to Xun Yu.

"No, don't come near me! I don't want to hurt you too!" Xun Yu exclaimed. His voice sounded like a whisper in the roar of the winds.

Cao Cao ignored the man's plea and desperately fought his way through the strong winds. He managed to grab the man's hand after much effort, and he used that opportunity to pull Xun Yu closer to him.

"Wenruo, everything is going to be okay," Cao Cao said softly. "You did what had to be done, he would have killed us otherwise."

Xiahou Dun, who was knocked out when Xun Yu sent everyone flying, opened his eyes and watched as the swirling winds slowly stopped. His eyes widened in amazement and shock when he looked at Cao Cao and Xun Yu to see that dark and light energy was flowing between the two.

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