Chapter 37 - Guo Jia's Secret

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If you go to Guandu, you are destined to die.

Those words echoed in Guo Jia's mind as he silently rode his horse next to Xun Yu. He felt a vicious throbbing in his chest, a pain unlike any he had ever felt before, and he put a hand over his heart to try and calm it.

My body is already very weak. Maybe coming here was a mistake after all. He looked to his left at Xun Yu, who appeared to be lost in thought, and he forced himself to ignore the pain in his chest. No, I want to spend time with Xun Yu. This was not a mistake. I will not allow this pain to prevent me from spending time with others, and I will not allow him to travel alone, especially not when it could put him in danger.

"Wenruo, are you feeling okay?" Guo Jia asked. "You have had that solemn look on your face since we started this trip. Have I upset you?"

"Wh-What? No, you have done nothing wrong. I am just... losing myself in the wonderful sights and sounds that nature has to offer." Xun Yu replied.

From how nervous the man acted when asked that question, Guo Jia could tell that there were other things on his mind. Guo Jia sighed, slightly disappointed that his friend chose to avoid telling him the truth. You say that you are merely observing nature, but you haven't looked at a single tree or plant since we passed by. Could it be that you are observing my nature? You can speculate all you like, but it's impossible for you to know what I was wanting to avoid telling you.

"Fengxiao," Xun Yu said softly, causing Guo Jia to look at him with a confused expression. "Thank you for joining me on this journey and for being one of my greatest friends. You have been by my side for many moons, and I hope we can coexist for many more. I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for our Lord, the kingdom, and for me. Thank you."

Guo Jia's eyes watered, a sign that his emotions were threatening to take control and cause him to tell the man everything, but he quickly calmed himself and looked down at the road.

"While I appreciate your generous compliment, I have to ask – when did you become so sentimental?" Guo Jia asked jokingly.

I hate hiding this from you. It will hurt you, but please don't cry. A few stray tears rolled down Guo Jia's cheeks, and he quickly wiped them away with one of his sleeves. He then looked over to notice that his friend was lost in thought again. Xun Yu...

The two continued their journey in silence and spoke again once they reached Yuan Shao's home in Guandu. Seeing that there was a place to tie up their horses outside the home, the two tied up their horses and then quietly entered the home. The place was rather ordinary in design, there was nothing extravagant about it; the only odd thing in the house was a jug full of a strange golden liquid.

"This looks exactly like the liquid Xun You described," Xun Yu stated aloud. "Give me a few moments to dispose of it and then we can leave."

Guo Jia nodded and watched with great interest as Xun Yu began to set up a strange circle of blue powder; however, he didn't get to watch long until his lungs felt like they were caving in on him. Guo Jia fell to his knees and desperately gasped for breath as he violently coughed while air eluded him. Xun Yu immediately stopped what he was doing and rushed over to help his friend.

"Fengxiao, why didn't you tell me that you are ill? Here, let me help you." Xun Yu said gently.

He aimed to use magic to heal his friend to the best of his abilities, but Guo Jia pushed away the man's hands and shook his head. Sweat poured down his face in rivers, but he was finally able to catch his breath.

"There is no need for that. It would be a waste of effort, I am beyond healing." Guo Jia replied stoically.

"But Fengxiao –" Xun Yu began.

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