I Didn't Mean To...

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Jimin wants to tell Yoongi. He so does. But oh god, he's so afraid of Yoongi's reaction. His fingers tighten around his phone, lips pursed. He's supposed to be taking a break from all his work and have 'me time' as Taehyung put it, but how can he be away from thoughts that center around Yoongi? I mean, Yoongi was like a major component if his life. Thoughts of him was always on Jimin's mind.

And he knew. He knew Yoongi wouldn't be happy about this. 

"dude, you need a chill pill" Taehyung sighed, eyeing his friend with exasperation from the other end of the sofa. "how about we play some video games?"

Jimin shook his head vaguely. Until Taehyung shook him by his shoulders, yelling 'snap out of it!' every so often that Jimin had no choice but to focus on his annoyingly endearing best friend.

"what?" he muttered, rather sulkily, like a toddler being deprived of sweets. He looked away from his friend who was now standing in front of him.

"I told you to take 'me time' not 'pity time' but you're so goddamn stubborn aren't you?" hands on his hips, Taehyung accused him, not with real annoyance in his voice though. Then he sighed, knowing that this wasn't leading anywhere. He knew Jimin from his head to his toes and if anything, the boy had a thing to overthink to the point that his tombstone might say 'he died of overthinking'. Oh and also, this boy had a habit of saying stuff without thinking through, which had never been a problem up until now...who knows what Jimin could get himself into, just because he didn't think before he said shit.

So instead of trying to scold the latter, Taehyung turned off the T.V (which was being ignored in the first place) and sat next to Jimin again.

"you wanna talk about it?" he asked (not gently because that kind of shit was reserved for the boyfriend)

"yeah I-" the older boy ran a hand through his hair. His roots were showing more prominently now and he should have dyed it like, a week before but he just hadn't had the time for it. "you know Taemin?"

"Gee, wait I think I do. Is he the one who tells ridiculously funny shit? The one who can do that weird robotic dance? That one? Oh yeah I think he popped up somewhere in our convos"

Jimin laughed, smacking Taehyung's arm. "yeah yeah so I talk about him"

"almost as much as you talk about Yoongi hyung" Taehyung scrunched up his nose at his own words.  "wait no you talk about Yoongi hyung thrice as much as you talk about Taemin"  

Jimin sighed. Hearing Yoongi and Taemin's name in the same sentence was making him uneasy and that was ridiculous. Ugh, so now even he's affected by this whole thing. And that wasn't even an option in the fist place!

"anyway" he shook his head, trying to regain his composure. "Yoongi hyung...doesn't like...Taemin-"

"because he thinks you'd dig Taemin more? Ah the classic love story"

Jimin was regretting even thinking of telling Taehyung now. Sometimes, the dude was just so...annoying.

Yeah just that. However, he opened his mouth to continue his talking (because he needed to get this all off his mind) when Taehyung beat him to it.

"so now you have this dance recital and you'll be spending more time with Taemin than Yoongi and you're freaking out because you don't know how to tell your boyfriend"

Jimin looked properly shocked before he breathed out a "pretty much, yeah"

"I'd tell you to not tell him but then if he finds out, you'd be dead meat so..." Taehyung shrugged. taking one of Jimin's hands in both of his. "just get it over with? There's no way around this one, you know?"

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