Weak For Him.

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"Where-where are...we going...?" Jimin mumbled, fidgeting with his thumbs, the words having irregular intervals due to his mind being clouded and the words not readily coming to him.

"Your house" Yoongi curtly replied, like it was obvious and it was, but Jimin was too intoxicated to realize.

However, he did startle himself and Yoongi with a sudden outburst of "no!"

Yoongi hit the brake, alarmed, before glaring at Jimin in real annoyance this time and Jimin felt the ready tears their way to his eyes. Yoongi huffed, not seeing this due to his eyes focusing on the road in front of him.

"What the fuck, kid?" He regulated the car's speed, heart still beating at a fast pace. It was now that he looked at the younger boy whose lips were trembling, a sure sign of the coming waterworks and he immediately offered a soft sorry.

"Can-can Jiminnie....stay at yours....?" The uncertaincy and fear twisted his words in odd directions.

"Why not at yours?" Yoongi asked, not caring if he sounded harsh. He was tired, beyond tired. Emotionally as well as physically. He'd been up since yesterday, unable to sleep, relying on energy drinks and he'd been wrecking himself emotionally over how he treated Jimin and if they were going to even work this out. He just- as much as he felt reassured that jimin was here, safe and in his sight- he wanted nothing but to just rest and think.

"I-I miss you..." A pout adorned Jimin's face, eyes shining with unshed tears. "Don' wan' hyun' to-to leave...."

"I'm not leaving" he simply said. "but your mom will be worried Jimin"

"m-mom thinks 'm at-at Tae's" Jimin gnawed on his bottom lip, awaiting the disapproving frown that the older was surely going to flash, but was surprised with a small yet amused smiled. 

"Jimin, I can't-"

"hyun' please?"

And no matter how tired or irritated or mad Yoongi was, there was no way that soft and feathery plead would be ignored by him. It was more natural to kneel down and accept it. So he sighed in defeat, uttering an okay.

"t-thank you Y-Yoongi hyun'" Jimin smiled, fumbling with the hem of his now untucked shirt.

 And yoongi knows, whatever this kid says, he won't have the heart to argue. Yoongi reversed his car, already having passed the road that lead to his apartment and went back. The way back only took five minutes or so, because it was almost one thirty in the morning or so and no one was on the road.

Jimin was silent the rest of the way and much to his surprise, Yoongi found out that he didn't like it. The boy was always rambling and babbling, seeing him quiet almost hurt.

He didn't comment on it though and instead, when he parked his car, got out and helped the wobbling younger boy to his apartment, closing the door behind them softly, so as not to give Namjoon the shock of his life. The poor boy was traumatized whenever he accidentally got up in the morning.

He told the younger to go get a shower assuring that he would leave a set of clothes for him in Yoongi's room. Jimin almost looked as if he were going to ask Yoongi to wash him too, but caught himself and instead muttered an okay, red in the face. Yoongi chuckled fondly, looking at jimin's retreating back.

Half an hour later, Yoongi found himself tucking a weary Jimin into his bed (that made him smug for some reason) because there was no way the younger was awake enough to even guide himself to the bed.

"where you gon' sleep?" jimin asked in a quiet whisper, droopy eyes looking at Yoongi, finger curling at the edge of the blanket, looking cozy and snuggly and cute. Just plain cute.

"the sofa's comfortable enough" Yoongi replied, a gentle smile on his face, standing up to leave when a soft tug on his wrist froze him. 

Oh god not again. 

"sleep wit' me" the younger boy mumbled, half pleadingly and Yoongi could feel himself melting into a puddle of goo because damn, jimin was too adorable to bear.

"Jimin-" he tried to say, but was cut off with another soft please hyun'?. He sighed, knowing all to well that his will was crumbling to dust. What was the point in arguing anyway?

"fine gimme ten minutes"


Thank you for the 1.1k reads!

Not exactly my best work, but I hope it captured just how whipped Suga is for our Jimin.


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