No Choice, It's All Been Made.

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"morning, Joonie"

Namjoon's eyes at once opened at the familiar voice, recognizing it as Jin's. A slight blush made it's way to his cheeks and he sat up, rubbing his eyes, an answering smile in his face.

Yoongi had taken away the apartment keys with a 'thank me later' text and Namjoon had shaken his head disbelievingly, half happy and half mad at the older.

But now, he was inwardly thanking Yoongi. Otherwise, last night would not have happened. 

"come on, I made breakfast" Jin whined. "it's gonna get cold if you're just staring at my beautiful face"

Namjoon laughed. Jin was ever the self lover. He obliged, getting down from bed and walking to the bathroom to brush his teeth and go through his usual morning routine. Jin had lent him a set down some clothes for him on the bed and Namjoon put them on before walking downstairs, hugging Jin from the back.

"go eat already" Jin ordered. "such a waste, if I'm waking up so early but you wake up just so late"

"fine fine" Namjoon sighed, letting Jin lead him to the dining table. his mouth watered at the sight on the table. "damn"

Jin laughed. "now tuck in, ugh, Taehyung's still not here" he went away to call the younger and probably still sleeping brother of his. 

Namjoon sat back, waiting for Taehyung. He didn't want to seem rude when he was in Jin's house.

He was feeling on top of the world. It felt as if he and Jin were already married and the thought made his day ten times better. Scratch that, hundred times better.

Jin returned with a sleepy eyes Taehyung and they all settled down to eat.

"wow" Taehyung exclaimed, hallway chewing his food, as if he just suddenly thought of something. "you guys are like mom and dad"

Namjoon and Jin both blushed vividly at that.


The weekend passed too quickly for Yoongi. By Sunday afternoon, he once again packed his bad and deemed Holly goodbye. He kissed Yoona's forehead, promising that he'll be back soon- a feat he was unsure of, but anything to keep his sister happy. So Yoona smiled happily through the tears and repeated the words 'be back soon'.

He said good bye to his mom, who hugged him and wished him luck with Jimin, and his step dad, who told him not to over work.

And he was finally on his way back to Seoul.

He sighed somewhat unhappily, already missing home.

The two and a half hours drive ended at nine thirty and he got down from the car, hauling his bag with him. He called Namjoon to say he was back and trudged in to the apartment, which was on the eighth floor.

Half an hour later, Namjoon was back and he thanked Yoongi fervently for taking away the keys. Yoongi laughed and uttered a good night, exhausted to the core and he fell on to his bed, sleeping soundly.


Jimin sighed impatiently. He was told to wait till Taehyung was out of detention but Jesus, he had nothing to do. Right now, he was seated on a bench in the school grounds and he glanced away, the building across his school coming into his notice. An elaborate plan folded itself in his mind and he picked up his bag, calling Jin hyung.

"hi Jimin, anything up?" Jin asked worriedly, picking up the call immediately.

"can I come over? Tae told me to wait till he was out so..."

"ahhh sure"

"thanks hyung" Jimin smiled devilishly, walking out of school and crossing the road, stopping right in front of where Jin hyung worked. He took a deep breath and unlocked his phoned. 

Jimin: hyung, I'm on my way to see Jin hyung 

He sent that and pocketed his phone, questioning himself whether Yoongi would take the hint or not. 

He walked inside the building, excitement taking over him.


Yoongi stared long and hard at the text Jimin had sent, sitting inside his office, thinking of why exactly the younger sent him that.

Of course, he didn't need to think, he knew the reason all too well. He knew it and he knew the hint the younger boy had given to him.

The question is, should he act on it? Or not?

He sighed, already knowing his decision. Knowing that he really didn't need to think anything.

Of course he'd go and meet Jin right now. It wasn't even something he'd hesitate over.

He stood up, idly wondering if he had a choice in the first place. It seemed that where park Jimin was concerned, all his decisions had already been made.

He walked out of his office, already on his way to meet Jin.


Comment on how you like the story so far!

Also btw, my Jimin cried while saying I love you I'm late to say this but oh my god he cried and I-


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