Pride and Ego

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Somewhere in the back of his brain, he felt a pinch of relief of having finally seen Yoongi. 

Those pale cheeks, sleepy eyes, thin lips- oh goddamn the exhilaration he felt was no joke.

But with that came a gut wrenching anger- because he'd been crying for days end for him and he just thinks he has this- this right to show up? Looking as he did?

Yoongi had a bouquet of flowers with him, an explosion of colors- very like the one Jimin had gotten last month and all of a sudden everything clicked into place. How the mysterious suitor had known all of his habits, his likes and dislikes- it was him. It had been Yoongi. All along.

And as much as his heart was elated, he had to be logical about this.

Mind over matter.

But oh god. It was Yoongi.

Somewhere along his ogling, Taehyung had retreated a couple of steps back, watching with wary eyes, but Jimin wasn't concentrating on him. Oh no.


The word wasn't even that captivating; heck, Yoongi's voice broke on that one syllable and yet the familiarity of the voice knocked Jimin's breath right out of his lungs and all of a sudden, inhaling became too hard for him. It was almost a torture. Not to mention the gasping noise he kept making.

"You fucking idiot" Jimin breathed out.

Yoongi winced and somewhere inside of Jimin, he regretted having Yoongi make that face. But he should be prioritizing himself first. At least this time. Before he falls in too deep again and loses it all. He didn't think he'd survive a second time.

"I'm sorry"

And somehow, even though those words were supposed to make him feel better- they did, in fact, not.

Red hot anger welled inside him as sudden as anything.

"Oh you're sorry" Jimin spat, fists clenched tightly into his sides. "Oh sure you're fucking sorry"

Yoongi grimaced, but he also looked like he expected this reaction. And that angered Jimin more, for some inexplicable reason. So he knew Jimin so well to know how he'd react didn't he?


"I don't want your excuses!" the younger boy whisper shouted. He still had enough sense to realize that he couldn't cause a scene here, in the field where there were tons and tons of people. "Don't even try Yoongi you can't just expect to come back after two frickin' years and expect me to fall back to your arms!" contradictory to his words, his mind conjured an image of him wrapped around in Yoongi's veiny, pale arms and his breath shortened.

Yoongi opened his mouth but Jimin raced on. "At least I tried to apologize after I realized what I did but you never did! Do you know how many days I cried because of you? Sometimes I feel so damn empty without you and its still the same but if you think I'll come back to you just so you can leave again when we have a fight then-then-" Jimin's voice faltered into sobs. "-then fucking forget it. I cant afford to lose myself again"

Tears were flowing down his cheeks and Yoongi made a movement as if to wipe them off but then hesitated, looking away.

"I'm sorry"

"that's all your gonna say?" scoffed the younger boy, looking at the lost man in scorn- as much as he hated to. "I can't believe you"

"I-I'm an asshole"

"Nice try" Jimin laughed bitterly. "should've realized it two years ago"


"Save it" Jimin sighed. "You're never going to change, Yoongi. You're pride is just too much. I'm not saying that I don't have one- but at least I know where to lower it"

Yoongi looked shell shocked at that.

"If I'm ever coming back to you, just know that unless you've changed I won't"

With that, Jimin turned his back on Yoongi- as much as his heart yelled at him to go back. But no, he couldn't. He just...couldn't.

He hated that he hurt Yoongi.

But sometimes, you just had to save yourself. 

At least, that's what Jimin had to continuously chant inside his head to avoid screaming and bawling his eyes out.

He walked to Taehyung, looking calm as ever.

Taehyung looked at him, worried, eyes searching for any distress on Jimin's face. "Is it...okay?" he tentatively asked, after a few seconds.

"Is he gone?" Jimin instead asked.

"ummm...yes?" confusion was laced in Taehyung's voice.

And Jimin broke down, heart wrenching sobs bursting out of him. "Then no, Tae. It's not okay"


Jimin's parents blamed Taehyung for ruining graduation day, but Jimin stepped in, scowling and claiming that Taehyung was not to blame and that he'd saved Jimin more times than he could remember.

So Jimin's parents stopped scowling at him, but everyone knew that Ruining Graduation Day wasn't really what they were blaming Taehyung for.

It was because Jimin had retreated into the confinements of his room and had continuously bawled his eyes out, crying for someone who broke his heart two fucking years ago, for the past two weeks.

Jimin couldn't think of anything except for Yoongi. It was all Yoongi and to be honest, he was rather getting tired of his own mind.

The replay of his trauma was even worst than the time they broke up; it hurt ten times more and that shouldn't even have been possible. His headaches were more prominent and his eyes were always red and puffy. And he was surely on his way to dehydration at the rate he was crying.

Taehyung constantly came over and Jimin constantly seemed comfort in his presence. 

The biggest yet crying session occurred when Jimin saw the pair of Nike shoes his suitor- Yoongi- had given him.

Taehyung wanted to burn the gifts, but Jimin refused to let him. They actually were of use to him.

At least, that was his excuse.

Jimin monotonously replied to his parents concerns and returned to his room after dinner, getting ready for bed and pulling on a pair of pajama shorts.

He then took his CD player and inserted the CD he'd gotten as a gift and cried himself to sleep, thoughts filled with nothing but Yoongi.


Mrs. Park softly walked in to Jimin's room, eyes dark with sadness, watching her son's tear stained face.

"Oh my baby" she whispered, bending down to lightly kiss Jimin's forehead before shutting down the CD player.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you"


The chapter wasn't that long, but you know, it had to be this way.

Anyways, comment and vote.

Thanks for reading.


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