Unexpected Kiss

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Despite the title name, don't get your hopes up


Park Jimin.

Yoongi smiled rather idiotically, remembering the said boy's soft features and unique personality.

Ahh, such a nice way to wake up.

But even that didn't help the laziness he had deeply engraved within him. With much groaning and grumbling, he finally managed to sit up on bed, craving the warmth of the bed.

Finally remembering why he had woken up, his head whipped and he reached out urgently to his phone on the nightstand. He unlocked it, immediately opening the chat with Jimin, mind focused intensely. And, there is was, the latest selfie Jimin had sent him.

In this particular selfie, Jimin was smiling, pink lips stretched over the rows white teeth in a alarmingly beautiful way, eyes crinkled and altogether forming the most adorable selfie on earth.

Yoongi's heart jumped, skipping a beat or two, yet he manage to type in a text like he was unaffected. Their conversation lasted a few good minutes before Jimin claimed he had to go to school. Yoongi sighed, going back to staring at the selfie, trying to draw energy from it that could possibly make him last through the day.

Finally, he got out of bed, knowing that if he didn't, his work wasn't going to be done by itself. 

"morning, hyung" Namjoon greeted, a coffee in his hand. Yoongi raised an eyebrow, seeing this.

"yours is on the table" replied the younger, albeit taller male, laughing a little.

"thanks" Yoongi yawned, trudging toward the bathroom to get rid of his morning breath.

The two of them drove to Bighit, having done with their morning routines an hour later. Yoongi turned the volume of the radio down, for he preferred the sound to be comforting rather than entertaining.

"so how's it going with new group?" Yoongi asked, looking out of the window, as it was Namjoon driving. 

"it's hard being a manager" Namjoon sighed, seemingly tired. "we still have a low number of fans, but we'll get there, I'm sure"

"yeah, you'll manage it" Yoongi gave a small smile. He didn't often give out encouraging phrases, but Namjoon deserved it. He was, if anything, a person who tried their utmost best to succeed whatever task at hand and Yoongi admired that about the younger.

"so how's it going with Jimin?" Namjoon inquired, genuine curiosity in his tone. 

"so far, great"

"you think you'll make it official?"

At this Yoongi shrugged, indecisive. "I'm really not sure..." he hesitated, wording his thoughts carefully. "he's great, honestly, but I don't know..."

"isn't he too young?" the question was tentative.

"yeah exactly..." a heavy sigh fell from Yoongi's lips. "I have nothing against him being younger...it's just that, will it make it harder to understand each other?"

Namjoon thought about it, pursing his lips. "well, it might" he replied, after careful consideration. "but if you want to make it work, I'm sure you can"

"yeah" Yoongi laughed. "I'm hoping it'll work out. I really do like him"

"he your boyfriend already?"



Yoongi tilted his head to the side, processing the question, letting his mind wander over the sudden possibilities Namjoon's words had given him. "I'm going to ask him" he firmly decided. "maybe even today"

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