Deep In His Eyes...

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Yoongi could positively say that he was in too deep.

Not that he was happy about it. He should be worried for himself, worrying about what could happen if the future with Jimin was a dead end to him? After all, it was a possibility, what with Jimin being sixteen. He could easily lose interest; could easily focus on someone else. Wasn't that the usual kind of teenage relationship? To just be in flings and break up the day after? Yoongi had experienced those, and at the time they were merely for fun but if that happened now, well, Yoongi wouldn't like it very much.

He sat there, blankly staring at his computer screen, the audio track just desperately facing him in deep need of correction and attention, yet Yoongi's mind was focused elsewhere- on a certain pink haired boy.

Realizing that thinking about Jimin would get him nowhere, he decided to will himself back to work, a small sigh leaving his lips.

It was almost four thirty when he left the building, Jin had left way before him, and he squinted against the light of the outside. His solitary office remained dark even through the brightest day and he liked it that way so he was often disoriented when he came out of the building he worked at. He decided that he'd pick up Jimin and go to take his car, knowing that he had to take his car a whole round because the roads were one way around here and he didn't honestly think he could afford to waste his gas right now. Not with the rent he was due to pay at the end of this week.

He waited at the gate for a few minutes before Jimin came rushing out, an apologizing look on his face.

"s-sorry I'm late" he panted, cheeks a healthy rosy color. It was quite endearing.

"you're right on time" Yoongi assured him. "I came now"

"Then lets go" Jimin's smile was almost as bright as the sun, but not as disorienting. Instead, Yoongi found himself captivated with it, but managed to divert his thoughts back to the blabbering younger who was filling Yoongi in about what happened at school today and that he could not believe that Jungkook and Taehyung started making out right in the middle of the hallway!

Yoongi smiled fondly, agreeing that it was shocking, inwardly knowing that it wasn't and there were way worse couples doing way worst stuff but oh well, he wasn't one to disagree with this beautiful human being.

You could say he was whipped.


The soft whisper of their lips moving together was the only sound heard in the lonely yet beautifully done quaint little hut. Jimin's heart pounded wildly in his ribcage, as if indicating that it wasnted to jump out of his chest. His arms, circled around Yoongi's neck, tightened as the older's tongue ran over Jimin's lower lip- a silent motion of asking for permission. A feat Jimin would never say no to.

A fire was spreading in Jimin's veins and it was strangely pleasant; strangely addictive.

The need for oxygen got in the way, causing them to pull away, breathless and looking into eachother's eyes, drowning in each other more and more till Jimin finally looked away, a blush coloring his cheeks, unable to bear the intensity of Yoongi's stare.

It mught have been a few days since they had started dating, but to Jimin, it felt like he'd known Yoongi for a lifetime. They just blended in so well together, it was impossible to believe that Jimin had been missing this his whole life. Missing Yoongi. In truth, Jimin was sure he'd never met anyone like him and he would never ever meet anyone like him. Ever.

He just hoped nothing would taint this wonderful feeling.

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