Without You...

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Wiping his forehead clean of sweat, Jimin panted, the sunlight making him squint uncomfortably. He was probably too overworked anyway, but he didn't care. He dribbled the ball down the court neatly tossing it to the basket in one precise move.

Ever since they had won the championship last year, the school has been more invested in basketball- maybe figuring out that they could get their streak back on track. Jimin, voted by his teammates and teachers, was still captain and god bless him, he was working his ass off to make sure that he earned himself that title.

"Chim, I think that's enough"

Jimin shook his head, eyes already zeroing on the basket down the opposite side of the court. He crouched down to start prancing down the field when the ball was suddenly whipped away from his hands. He turned around indignantly, a shout of protest surfacing from his lips.


"I mean it Jimin" Taehyung glared. "let's go home now"

"I can spare another half an hour" Jimin flatly said.

"no you can't. You have homework and assignments and you damn well now that grades affect your chances of getting a scholarship- even if it is for a sport"

"Yeah I know" Jimin looked away. "But who knows whether I'll get one, Tae. I need to make sure my skills are like, on point"

"They are on point" the younger boy protested. "coach barely spares you a glance anymore just 'cause he knows you play good"


"Jimin you need good grades to graduate- and maybe grades affect more than you think I mean, a talented intellectual who can also deadass take on any league player?"

Jimin laughed. "point is I'm not sure if I'm the 'deadass-can-take-on-any-league-player' type of person. So I need to practice" he shrugged as if this weren't already obvious.

"No you've practiced enough" firmly Taehyung said, glaring at Jimin who didn't back down and instead glared back.

Until he knew it was no use to stare down Taehyung: the dude was uncannily talented in winning staring contests.

"Fine" reluctantly, Jimin huffed, walking to the bleachers. He then gulped down water and picked up his bag simultaneously. "but ummm...can we stop by McDoanald's? I'm starving"

Taehyung laughed, eyes softening. "yeah sure"

And then it was just the two of them, hanging out like the good old days. Because ever since Taehyung had been accepted to a prestigious drama school and had left, the two had hung out less and less. They always texted, sure, but it just wasn't the same. So lately, everyday, since Taehyung's new school finished late, he'd come by right when Jimin's practices finished so they could hangout once again.

"You know, you could stay over tonight" The taller boy suggested, slurping his cola. "Since tomorrow's a Sunday and all"

"yeah sure. I could do with a movie marathon"

"We should totally binge watch Gotham"

Jimin laughed, already liking the idea. "great idea"

"and I could invite Jungkook over!" taehyung clapped his hands excitedly.

"....I'm not being a third wheeler"

But he did accept Jungkook coming over.

And despite everything, it was the most fun he'd had in a while.

Eyes drooping, feeling bone tired, he stared at his best friends, who had sandwiched him in between them, rather discreetly. And odd sort of fondness filled his insides as he heard Jungkook reenact a scene from Gotham in a rather silly way and Taehyung guffaw at it. He'd had all sorts of downs yeah, he'd lost someone he deeply cared about and honestly, if it weren't for these two goofballs, Jimin didn't know where he'd be today.

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