Kisses And Noodles

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So sorry for not updating! 

I spent my time that was supposed to be spent on this on watching a lot of BTS Bombs.

And I've been studying soooooo.....


Jimin laughed loudly, attracting the attention of Kai, who gave a small smile but reprimanded him for not paying attention in class. Taemin snickered beside Jimin, knowing full well that he was the reason Jimin had such a lapse in attention.

Jimin pouted, but gave the rest of the class his full concentration and smacked Taemin's arm lightly when they were outside. "idiot!" he whined.

"I was just providing entertainment" Taemin shrugged, a devilish grin on his face. "you look cute when you're trying not to burst laughing"

"yah!" Jimin began punching the latter, causing Taemin to guffaw, right until they were interrupted by a car honking- rather insistently. They both squinted at it, Jimin's face changing into a smile when he saw it was his hyung. His Yoongi hyung. His heart swelled twice it's size because wow, Yoongi had informed him that he was busy as he was working on a song for a debuting group right now, but his hyung was here.

"gotta go, Tae" Jimin gave a grin, playfully punching Taemin once more.

"who's that?" rather disparagingly, Taemin asked noting the change in Jimin.

"my...boyfriend?" the pink haired boy's cheeks flushed a beautiful red, heart beating fast at his own response.

Taemin's shoulders sagged. "oh..."

"is something wrong?" Jimin tilted his head.

"no no" the other boy shook his head, giving a too forced smile, but Jimin didn't push it.

"I'll be going then?" Jimin gave a bright smile. "see ya, Tae" with that, he rushed off to the passenger side of the car, opened the door and got in as fast as he could. He gave a wide smile to Yoongi.

"I thought you were busy?" Jimin asked delighted.

"eh, work can wait" Yoongi shrugged, seeming uncomfortable. Jimin frowned upon seeing this, wanting to know the reason. However, he didn't need to prod because Yoongi continued his sentence. "who's that boy?" he asked, words too quick as if he were in a hurry to get it out.

"Taemin" Jimin appraised the older's expression, apprehensively. "you know, the one who came up to me on my first day?"

"you seem to be...good friends?" the words were uncertain and Jimin had to think about this unusual question before he understood why Yoongi had asked it. 

Jimin had to laugh because really, his hyung was ridiculous. "jealous already, hyung?" he teased.

"no" stoutly, Yoongi replied, eyes on the road.

"sure sure" Jimin chuckled, leaning over to sneakily plant a chaste its on the older's cheek, loving how a faint hue of pink spread over Yoongi's cheeks. "you're adorable when you're jealous"

"hey, I'm older, treat me like it" Yoongi complained, turning the car to the left.

"but you're so cute" Jimin cooed. "almost like a cat"

"say what now?!" Yoongi indignantly protested, almost hitting the brakes. "I am in no way similar to those high and mighty worthless creatures"

Jimin gasped, feeling insulted. "how dare you, Hyung?! Cats are fucking adorable! My favorite is the calico cat and that thing is like- the cutest!" (A/N: serendipity, can't get over that song)

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