Can't Wait To Fight You

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"hey fucker"

Jimin groaned inwardly, closing his locker door, knowing where these simple words were going to lead. He braced himself to his fate as his all-too-stupid-friend Taehyung retaliated with a, "oh look it's the school bitch"

Honestly was one day without a fucking fight too hard to achieve?

Seconds later, Taehyung was holding Jungkook to the ground, legs on either side of the younger who spat a 'fuck you' and punched Taehyung's face, flipping them over aiming another punch at the recovering older.

All in the hallway.

"go to hell wuss!" the younger boy screamed, struggling to get free.

"out of names to call me, huh, bitch squealer?!" Taehyung countered sassily.

Jimin sighed. He was used to this scenario- the fighting and the name calling. He leaned in to the two boys sprawled on the floor making his fingers securely hold jungkook's collar before pulling with all his strength, making the younger boy involuntarily stand up and shout in protest.

And then Jimin got punched.

In the fucking face.

Which in turn made Taehyung more angered.

"not my friend you fucking retard!" he yelled, hauling himself from the floor and shoving Jungkook at a locker before aiming a hit to his gut. Jungkook groaned, spitting out saliva, but he was never the one to give up,so he retaliated by kicking Taehyung's crotch, making the other boy double over moaning in pain.

Jimin just shook his head, while the rest of the students gathered laughed. Jungkook and Taehyung fighting was a everyday incident. Like the cafeteria lady throwing disgusting globs of goo to a student who made her angry.

Although to be fair, it didn't get this violent.

"oh my fucking god you good for nothing whore" Taehyung cussed, glowering at the smirking younger.

"you sure got an annoying mouth, pussy" Jungkook scoffed.

Jimin looked at them in utter annoyance, holding a tissue to his bleeding nose. God, he was so mad right now he'd love to haul them both over to the principal's office, like, right this moment.

Even if Taehyung was literally his friend.

"you pair of psychotic nutcases" he began, channeling all his anger to his words. "fucking stop your-"

"that is enough!"

The entire hallway fell silent, seeing their Maths teacher, also known as the the teacher who stood no nonsense, Mr. Yang, roared.

"Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook! Report to the pricipal! The rest of you, to your classes!"

The said boys where frozen, mouths hanging open in horror, staring at the retreating back of the hateful teacher, while the students dispersed, all whispering, some smirking.

"at least stop the fucking fighting now" Jimin chided secretly ecstatic that a teacher stopped the(it would at least cause them to think before they fight. He was tired of the constant bickering), arms crossed over his chest, looking at the two sullen boys, whose faces and arms were bruised, staring away from each other.

"it's his fault" Jungkook muttered. "pussy"

"what the-" Taehyung turned, easily triggered.

"will you two just shut up!" Jimin growled at the two, effectively shutting them up because wow, he looked like he could decapitate the both of them on the spot. "good, now go to the principal"

He watched the two walk away, meters apart from each other as if the other was some walking, contagious disease. Looking at his phone and checking the time, he realized that he might just skip class. He wasn't in the mood for getting yelled at for being late.

He walked to the gym, pleased at finding it empty. Almost sprinting, he reached the spot where there were always spare equipment a person coming to the gym might need. Taking a basketball from the pile, he smiled to himself, feeling relaxed. Basketball always soothed him. It was Jimin's favorite sport. Not to mention that he was the captain of the school team.

Dribbling the ball up the court, he took aim and shot a perfect three pointer, a grin taking over his whole face.

He loved the euphoric feeling he got whenever the ball went through the net. It was addictive and just so pleasing. He loved the thud the ball made when striking against the floor. He just loved everything about basketball.

"hey captain, skipping class again?"

Jimin's head whipped to the sound of the voice, frightened that it might be a teacher, but smiling when it was none other than Hoseok, a player of the team.

"yeah" he replied.

"I suppose Tae and Kook went at it again" Hoeok walked in, arms crossed over his chest. He was one year older than Jimin, but they were friends due to their mutual liking of basketball and dancing.

"those two would fight even when the world's falling to pieces" Jimin complained, bouncing the ball, eyes focused on the net.

Unconsciously, they were playing a game while conversing, blocking each other from the net, stealing the ball and such.

"what's up with your nose?" The older snickered, pausing to take a rest.

"Kook punched me"

Jimin has always called Jungkook, Kook. He'd been friends with the younger since a few months ago, through dancing. Honestly, the kid was a good person and Jimin had no idea of why Taehyung and Jungkook always triggered each other to fight. Of course, he had tried telling Taehyung that the younger boy was an awesome person but he would not hear it.

"ouch" Hoseok winced, sitting down on the bleachers. "that must've sucked"

"no shit" Jimin muttered.

"wonder why they're always up on each other"

"it's like those pathetic love stories" Jimin shook his head, exasperated, joining Hoseok on the bleachers, panting sightly. "you know, from hate to love"

"imagine them kissing" at Hoseok's words, the two boys cracked up laughing,doubling over. Their laughter echoed in the practically empty room.

"when that happens we'll find out that Trump is gay" Jimin chortled.

"or Justin Beiber is gay"

"I could hear you two all the way up to the office"

There, at the entrance of the gym, stood Taehyung, not at all amused.

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