Little Things

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Avril Lavinge's Fell in love with the devil is the most beautiful song on the earth for me at the moment



Despite whatever concern Yoongi had due to Jimin's actions, they actually function together pretty great. They just go together so...well. Like- like- well truth to be told, Yoongi had no words for his dynamic with Jimin and that surprised him. He always had a way with words. Now- all of a sudden- he was losing his touch. He wasn't sure if he should be as secretly giddy as he is about it because his monthly income relies on his ability to string some decent words together and to be honest, he didn't want to lose it.

Yoongi chuckled remembering Jimin's cross words on their date: "honestly hyung, I still find you unbelievably hot so I don't have any need to date anyone else. Also" he had huffed, arms crossing over his chest before continuing. "I don't cheat" 

So Yoongi had decided to cool down his doubts. At least temporarily. 

They'd progressed from being a somewhat shy couple to one that bickers over the most ridiculous things and nags the other for whatever unhealthy obsession they have. They've become this couple who finds talking and spending time with the other as easy as breathing. (okay, maybe not when Jimin looks just so damn kissable- breathing came as one of the hardest struggles when Jimin looks extra good) They've started to help each other out with the little things. Like the coffee addiction Yoongi has, for an example. Nothing like a few cups of coffee to survive 24 hours as far as Yoongi was concerned but Jimin made his point saying, 'I don't think you have a blood stream now, hyung. Its probably a coffee stream now' 

So Yoongi had really tried to stay off coffee. And for every successful day he'd reward himself with a cup of coffee. I mean, he couldn't exactly cut it off from his life. He and coffee go way back.

 Similarly Yoongi had partially convinced Jimin to not try so hard. 'Not that it's bad' he had said. 'it's just that you try so hard for everything. Relaxing every now and then won't hurt' 

So Yoongi now always made sure that the younger boy got enough sleep, or enough food in his system because he had the habit of not eating before an exam, forgetting to even eat because he's too absorbed in trying to pass the exam. Yoongi remembers the first time he'd got to know this particularly well. He'd called Jimin randomly and the younger had been on the verge of breaking down because he felt like he hadn't tried enough and that he should've done more. Yoongi had consoled him, lightly scolding the latter saying how he had never seen anyone work so damn hard and that just one failed exam wasn't going to fucking kill him.  And that of he didn't go to bed right that instant, Yoongi would not text/call him for a week. 

So Jimin had reluctantly agreed.

So was like they took care of each other, and it was awfully heartwarming and it made Yoongi's knees weak every damn time time he thought about it because he wanted this. He wanted this feeling permanently. He wanted to know that after a particularly shitty day that there was that one person who could just make you smile by a smile pat on the back. And he didn't think that just the feeling of security is what attracted him; it was Jimin himself. He didn't want this couple-y thing with anyone else. Just Jimin. Just Jimin, who was cocky yet kind and caring, just so good at comforting and so, so goddamn beautiful. (actually if he were to list every good thing about Jimin, it could go on for a week)

Sometimes, they'd hang out in Yoongi's apartment at the far ends of the living room, immersed in their own work. The silence wasn't uncomfortable. It was actually quite nice and it offered Yoongi a feeling of stability that he didn't know he even needed

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