Dance Class

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So sorry for not updating I've been busy and well, mom literally snatches away the laptop the moment I get it.

Also, how am I doing so far?

And thanks for the 1.2k reads!



Yoongi chuckled fondly, remembering that morning after Jimin had woken up with a most dreadful hangover, clutching at his pink hair and doubling over on bed, groaning. Yoongi had stayed by him when he had vomited into the toilet bowl, wincing when the younger looked half dead when he pulled back, right hand tightly clenching around young's own. The memory still made him flinch. Afterwards Jimin had leant against him, exhausted, and Yoongi had taken care of him for the rest of the morning, till he went over to Taehyung's. judging by Jin's sour face, he had also scolded Taehyung till the younger boy had reduced into a mess of tears.

Jimin had not stopped apologizing, even when he was throwing up(Jesus, he needs to know limits). He'd kept up the constant chant of I'm sorry until and breakfast( where Yoongi forced Jimin to down some actual food) Yoongi had kissed him to shut him up. The younger boy had squeaked in surprise, whole face flushing red causing Yoongi to laugh.

Yoongi smiled now, seeing Jimin run out his house, a bright smile on his face and flung himself straight to Yoongi's arms. The older male wobbled a little(who knew Jimin was so heavy?) and planted a soft kiss on Jimin's forehead.

"hey, babe" he greeted, a smirk forming when he saw the tip of jimin's ears turn red. Yoongi would be lying if he said that he didn't find it cute.

"h-hey" jimin replied, fingers clutching the older's shirt. "wanna come inside?"

"aren't your parents home?" quizzically, Yoongi asked.

"well..." Jimin faltered, pulling away, fingering Yoongi's buttons on his shirt, nervousness basically tangible. "mom may want to see you...?" the statement turned into a question due to Jimin's increasing fear and Yoongi saw this quite well. (or maybe he knew that from Jimin's big doe-like eyes)

"mmm, sure" His heart was beating too fast, scared, but he didn't let it show. He didn't want Jimin panicking. 

"you're okay with this?" Jimin incredulously asked.

Yoongi laughed. "not at all" he admitted. "but it was gonna happen anyway"

Jimin smiled before leaning in and after a slight moment of hesitation, pressed his lips against Yoongi's."thanks, hyung"

They walked in, Jimin almost bouncing and Yoongi hesitatingly.

"mom!" Jimin called.

"you're excited aren't you?" Yoongi mused. The younger boy turned to him, eyes shining. 

"yeah of course! I want mom to see you're amazing" the older male had trouble breathing at that reply and the fact that he heard someone walking to them didn't help. Jimin reassuringly squeezed his hand.

"what is it Jimin?" the person who entered the room was short, and extremely pretty and it was no big mystery of who's looks Jimin had gotten. She seemed just as soft and sweet as jimin Yoongi bowed, trying his level best to not seem like he was close to peeing his pants.

"oh, this is Yoongi I suppose?" The lady smiled warmly and Yoongi relaxed just a bit. The keyword being bit. "welcome"

"t-thank you" oh good. Stutter like an idiot. Nice one Yoongi.

Mrs. Park laughed a tinkling laugh and Jimin did too. "come on, let's sit"

The talk was not as stressful as Yoongi feared it would be. Jimin's mother was accepting the fact that Jimin and him had quite an age gap and she exclaimed that it was nothing to her. As long as Yoongi didn't break Jimin's heart. At that, Jimin had whined. Jimin was ordered to prepare tea and once the younger boy left the room, Mrs. Park took a deep breath.

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