Heart Is A Mess

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Jin smirked, already knowing why Yoongi had come up to his office, with a feeble excuse of being hungry. He played along, reassuring the younger male that he would go down to his car and bring up the food he prepared.

Actually, Jin had no food prepared. When Jimin would come, he'd leave after telling the manager that he was not feeling well and he'd drop Yoongi a text saying that he was going out with Namjoon.

Oh well maybe he'd actually go out with Namjoon, who knows?

There was a timid knock on his door and Jin's smirk widened. "come in" he called.

the door opened, the pink haired boy sauntered in, smiling widely, cheeks reddening when he saw Yoongi at the corner of Jin's office.

"so I'll be heading downstairs" Jin nodded to Yoongi, acting all casual. Without another word, he walked out, leaving Jimin and Yoongi alone.


"why'd hyung go?"Jimin asked, confused, looking all to cute to Yoongi. The soft curve of of downward lips, ir was very distracting.

"he said he'll bring up food" he managed to speak without stuttering.

"food he made?" expectantly and hopefully, Jimin asked, making Yoongi laugh. It seemed as if everyone was a whore for Jin's food.

"yeah I think so"

However, a moment later, Yoongi felt like stabbing Jin, because damn that fucking smart asshole. He'd sent Yoongi a quick text saying he was out with Namjoon (no doubt a lie) and Yoongi should 'have fun'.

"fucker" yoongi cursed in a low voice, not even replying to the older. Jimin looked at him, eyebrows furrowed.

"what's up?" he asked concerned.

"Jin left" was all Yoongi said, waiting for the younger to deem a bye and walk out.

"oh" there was a moment of silence as Jimin processed this. Then his smile widened, eyes twinkling oh so beautifully. "we can go to your office?" he hopefully asked, eyes as wide as hazelnuts making Yoongi's heart go crazy.

"a-aren't you supposed to go home?" he asked, almost face palming himself because he just had to fucking stutter.

"Tae has detention. He told me to wait till he comes. Please, hyung? pleeeeeeaaase?" the drawn out word snapped Yoongi's attempts at restraining himself and he sighed, miserably.

"fine" he shortly said, trying to collect his eager thoughts. It's funny how a few words from Jimin could make him this giddy. Or maybe pathetic was the correct word. He winced as the realization dawned on him. "come on"

Jimin was almost skipping as he made his way to Yoongi's office, taking in the simple color coordination of black and white. The room was bare, except for a huge desk, three chairs, two placed opposite to one, and a cupboard.

"wow you really need some color in here hyung" Jimin commented dryly, walking in and pushing the curtains aside to make the room brighter.

Yoongi bit back his reply of wanting to say that Jimin was enough color to the room himself. Damn, his thought process needs to be disciplined. He might end up saying something embarrassing if he wasn't careful.

"yeah, well, I'm a dull color kind of person" he replied, sitting down on his chair and turning on his computer, typing in the password and clicking around some folders. He was vaguely aware of Jimin ghosting next to him but his mind was focused suddenly on the new song he was working on.

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