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The girl woke up in a white bed. The walls were white, the table white, everything was white.

She was about to have a panic attack, when Tannie started to bark for her attention.

She took the small puppy in her arms and hugged the life out of it.

"Tannie! Where are we? I don't even remember what happened..."

She tried to recall her last actions, but everything was a blur.

I was going home... I bought Yunki some sweets...

Wait, where are they?

She got up from bed and opened the door of the room she was in.

Wait- why am I in the hospital?

Her head started to hurt as she roamed in the halls in her white hospital gown.


She turned around to see a nurse holding some folders.

"Miss, you are Jennie Kim, right?"

The girl nodded.

"I don't know what I'm doing here, what happened? Where's my mother?"

The woman only looked down, and then invited the girl to follow her.

They arrived in a small office and the nurse motioned for Jennie to sit down in front of her.

"Miss... I need to tell you something..."

The girl gulped and looked at the woman so she could continue.

"If you're here, it is thanks to your dog."


"Yes.. He was the one who warned your neighbours. They came to your farm and immediately phoned us."

The woman posed a little then spoke up.

"We found you passed out in the middle of your living room."

"What? But.. and my family? Where are they? Didn't you warn them?"

The nurse sighed while pinching the bridge of her nose.

"I don't believe I'm the one who has to tell you this..."

The girl sensed something had happened. Her guts were already clenched together.

"Just tell me."

"They... were in the same room as you."

"We found them both stabbed in the stomach over nine times. When we arrived, they had already lost too much blood... I'm sorry miss..."

The room was cold. Jennie had refused to turn on the heater. She had also refused lunch, dinner, breakfast, and again lunch.

And of course she hadn't slept.

Her body felt dull and useless, a peck of dust in the world.

She was looking in front of her, eyes bored into the white wall, lips sealed and crusty from the lack of water.

They had warned her that if she was not going to nourish herself today, they would start sticking IVs in her arms.

So be it. I don't care anymore.

Nothing would change the lingering ache in her heart.

She had already felt half of it had drowned last week. Now, nothing was left in her heavy chest.

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