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"I did NOT get drunk with coconut water! Hyuuuung, tell Jimin I did NOT get drunk with coconut water! Because it's impossible!"

Jimin scoffed.

"Then how do you explain the fact that you kissed me?"

"I did NOT kiss you! You were the one who kissed me first!"

"WHAT? Why would I kiss a crackhead? Plus, your breath smells."

"Well, at least it smells better than yours. I know you lost your toothbrush last month and didn't buy one since."

Jimin widened his eyes so hard they nearly popped out.

"You knew?"

Jungkook nodded while poking his head out of the fridge. He had been trying to make a sandwich since morning, but instead had started bickering with Jimin. Last night had been extreme for both of them.

"Ok, back to the conversation. I WANT TO KNOW WHY YOU KISSED ME IN FRONT OF EVERYONE."

Jungkook closed the fridge and put all of the food he had taken on the table.

"Fiiine, god. There are two reasons why I let you kiss me."


"You were the one proposing to me in a princess dress."

Jimin shut up and looked at him in disbelief. Jungkook continued while spreading butter on his bread.

"And I let you kiss me because I always thought you were gay. And since I'm such a generous friend, I did you a favour."

Silence. Jimin looked at Jungkook.

"For your information I'm not gay. I appreciate the gesture though, but I need to tell you that if I was gay, I would be gay for Taehyung."

The said boy rose from the couch he had been trying to rest on for the past hour.

"OKAY, I seriously did not need to know that."

"What? I said I'm not gay."

Taehyung eyed both of them. But right before he could tell them their 'physical interaction' from last night was all over his YouTube feed, a loud thud was heard coming from the other side of the apartment.

All three of them stared at each other before Jungkook shouted:

"Jennie, everything alright?"

"Hum, yea, I'm fine!"

Still, Taehyung was long gone and was now opening the door of her bedroom.

"What are you doing?"

She was sitting on the floor, looking completely groggy. The brunette looked up and smiled awkwardly.

"I... tripped?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes while smiling and helped her up.

"Come on clumsy, get ready, I'm driving you to college."


Of course she had to say she tripped. She couldn't have told him that after she has gotten up from bed, everything had started turning until she could only see black. She couldn't feel or hear anything else and she just jad fallen down from the sudden moment.

Can I even call this dizziness? It felt like someone had shut the lights for one moment.

She shrugged and got ready for classes.

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