Chapter 29 - Trust Issues

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In the camp. Lauren is working really hard. She misses her family and her girlfriend but to ease her sadness she keeps on focusing on the tasks they were given and doing good on their trainings. Luckily, Vero and Dinah is there to keep her happy. One more week and it's time for them to go home.

"Girls! I have an announcement! Since you are doing good on everything that was given to you and was able to do your tasks ahead of time. We are giving you a day off. We won't have any trainings today and you can have your personal belongings from today." One of their coaches announced it.

"YES!!!!" Everyone on the crowd screamed.

Lauren was all smiley and so excited because she wanted to call Camila badly and to hear her voice.

Meanwhile, Vero and Dinah is not happy about it because they know that once Lauren saw all those picture, they know how much pain it will cause her. They both decided to support Lauren and be there when she broke down. Vero and Dinah are trying to calm and prepare themselves for this disaster.
Lauren got her phone and immediately called Camila.

Lauren: Hi Camz!
Camila: OMG! Lauren! I miss you! I miss you so much! Are you already at home?
Lauren: No Camz, I still have one week. We were just given a day off and allowed now to take our personal stuff with us.
Camila: That means I can talk to you from now until you're back?

Lauren nods smilingly as if Camila can saw her.

Camila: Oh by the way did you went online? Lo, do not believe anything you'll see ok.

Lauren: No I haven't, the moment I got this phone I called you right away and what it is with.....

The call cut off. Lauren's phone battery went empty.

"Internet?" Lauren confusedly looked at her phone and shrugged her shoulder off then she went to charge her phone.

Lauren went to Vero's room because they all decided to watch some movies.

Camila's POV

Shoot the call cut off! I need to call her back.

The call went to voicemail...

She tried to call so many times but it all went to voicemail.

Camila knew that Lauren might misunderstood the pictures so she panicked.

She still sent messages to her voicemail explaining the pictures she might see. She sent lots of text messages.

Lauren went to Vero's room were Dinah is already there waiting for her.

"Alright, the star is here so let's start watching come on Laur!" Dinah stand up from Vero's bed and approach Lauren on the door and lead her in front of Vero's laptop. Yeah Vero always have her laptop everywhere she goes.

"Hey girls, you know I just talked to Camila and unfortunately while talking to her my phone died. As in empty battery... Anyway she said something about the internet that if I happens to see... I shouldn't believe it" Vero and Dinah looked at each other.

"Can I borrow your phones so I can see it?" Lauren tried.

"Lo, we just got our phone too. Your phone died same with mine and with Vero's so let's wait for it to be fully charged and watch a movie. Okay?" Dinah suggested.

"Uhmmm, do you mind if we check that out? I am getting curious about it. On your laptop?!" Lauren looked at Vero.

"Nah, Lauren I waited for you then you wanted to go to insta or twitter to check on what Camila told you? Well NO a big NO. I wanted to watch a movie right now. Let's finish one movie then we can all check on that ok?" Vero suggested. Dinah sigh with calmness.

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