Chapter 1- College life

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Camila is a college student and have a simple dream and that is to finish her college and get a high paying job. She is a freshman. On her first day of school, she already have some friends. Some of her friends in high school also came to the same college she's in so she didn't have a hard time to adjust her life in college. It seems easy for her because naturally she is friendly and smiles a lot. It was natural.

When she was in high school, she was having a hard time on what to take in college. She wanted to take Psychology at first because that's what she thinks she will excel. However, the demands right now is on technology so if she wanted to have a high paying job. She needs to go to what is in demand as of now. So she took Computer Engineering course. Luckily she passed and made it to college with that course.

During her first semester, since she is taking an engineering course. Most of her classmates are boys.


It's 8:45am and her class starts at 9am. Camila just made it on time in her first class. She got intimidated because most of the people inside are boys and all looks at her with a curious eyes and watch her from the door all the way to the chair she choose to sit. She sat beside a girl that is also quiet. The girl has a dark skin and Camila tried to talk to her to have some conversation.

"Hi" Camila said smiling shyly to the dark skinned girl. "Hi" the dark skinned girl replied with a smile.
"I'm Camila, what's your name?" she asked.
"Hi Camila, I'm Normani. Nice to meet you" the dark skinned girl said.

"I hope we are not the only girls in this class (algebra)." Camila laughed.

"I think we are not.." Normani looking at the door and Camila saw two girls coming in as well on their class.

Camila didn't bother to greet the other two girls that came in to their class since they choose to sit in front while Camila and Normani were seated in the middle.

After a few minutes, a professor came in. She is a bit younger than they thought and she is very beautiful that doesn't even look like a teacher. Boys inside the classroom were stunned and a dropped jaw looking to their professor.

"Good morning! I am Demi Lovato, your Professor in Algebra. You can call me Ms. Lovato."

After an hour, it's time for their next class...

"Hey, Normani! What's your next class?" Camila asked. "Oh it's English" Normani said. Camila claps her hand and jump a bit with excitement "Really!! That was my next class too. Is that in room 303?"
"yes" Norman said in amused.
"Do you mind if I see your schedule? I believe we have almost the same classes since we are taking the same course" Camila asked. "SURE"

Camila found that she and Normani have almost the same classes all the time except for P.E since Normani is not having it since she is part of the dance club in the school and one of the opportunity in that club is that you won't ever need to take P.E. classes.
Camila is a natural dancer. She used to be a dancer with her HS buddies. And not wanting to attend P.E, since she sucks at sports. She signed up for an audition to be part of the Dance Group/club where Normani is part of.

Camila informed one of her HS buddies Shawn to be part of the club too. Camila and Shawn are also on the same college but they have different classes. Shawn is Camila's suitor for 4 years. Shawn keeps on trying to be Camila's BF but the girl just wanted to be friends with Shawn. She can only offer friendship to the boy no matter how nice he is. She can't just have a romantic feelings for the boy, just pure platonic love over those 4years and they became best buddies.

Camila called Shawn "Hey Shawn, join me to audition in dance club. I don't want to dance there alone... You know I always feel confident if you're there beside me and you always keep me relax and confident everytime I will dance in front of so many strangers." She laughed.
"Hahaha, and how sure are you that I will join that club? I am tired of dancing Mila" Shawn said
"Oh come on Shawn! Please... For me..." Camila plead...
Shawn cannot stand Camila.. even when on the phone he can sense Camila is pouting and having it's puppy eye... Shawn still loves Camila after all even if it won't be reciprocated romantically. So he said yes.

After a few days... Shawn and Camila decided to rehearse a mix dance like a mash up song. Pop and some part of interpretative dance.

They practice on two consecutive days and Friday will be the day of their audition.

Hi, this is my first time writing so please be kind to me. Lol.

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