Chapter 20 - Say you won't let go

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So it's Friday.... The day that originally Lauren will tell Camila what she's feeling but sometimes there are times that you can't control and plans are being ruined by someone or something... This is the day that Camila is waiting for... Both if them will talk... But how? Now that Lauren is MIA and won't reply to any of her text messages and won't answer her calls too... Camila is feeling hopeless. She really needs to talk to Lauren or to whoever she needs to talk to who can tell her about Lauren. She is going crazy and being emo.

Camila is in a verge of breaking... She is clueless as to why Lauren is acting the way she's acting... All of a sudden the sweet, funny, smart and beautiful Lauren that makes her day complete is gone. She went to the auditorium and saw the band rehearsing. He saw Colson and his band. Colson knows Camila can sing and he saw Camila so sad so he ask....

"Hey Mila! Sup!"

"Sup Cols!"

"Looks like you're down so down... Here take this and let's take that out" Colson knew that something is in Camila's heart...something heavy so he offered a mic to she can sing it bring it out at least through a song.

"So what are we going to play?" One of Colson's bandmate asked.

Camila whispered something to Colson and he gave his band a queue....

She gave it all during this time... She burst out all the emotion she has... Because she sings for Lauren... Only for Lauren.... After this... She thank Colson and his band and she went outside the auditorium teary eyed.

Not knowing.... Someone sneaked out and filmed the whole video of her singing this song. It was Normani...

Normani being the Queen Bee and has so many followers in twitter, facebook, instagram, snapchat and youtube. She posted it on all of her social media and the video went viral.

The caption said it all.

Who hurt this adorable friend of mine that she sings her heart out to this song?


Meanwhile... Lauren got her new phone and texted the people she knew and let them know her new number. She installed the apps she needed (mostly social media), she just installed it to her phone and planned to log in to her account later.

She offered Dinah and Vero for a sleepover since they were not able to talk yesterday because she was in a bitchy mood.

Today, she welcomes her friends with a light mood and all smiles on her face.

Vero and Dinah did not talked about Mila because they know that it will change Lauren's mood. So what they did the whole day was to watch movie, talk about their team (volleyball), and about some school assignments that Lauren missed for the 2 days that she didn't fo to school.

"Lauren, on Monday you'll be back. I hope everything is ok now. Don't worry we won't leave by your side"
Dinah said while looking at Vero

"Yeah, we'll be there for you. Anyway so how's your new phone?" Vero changed the subject.

"What?! It's just the same nothing's special" she told them while showing of her new phone.(iPhoneXs)

"Your mom must really love you for getting that phone. And look at my phone... An old phone coming from my mama" Dinah with a wide eye.

"And look at my phone you two! Stop comparing while I have the shittiest phone ever (low end android phone)" Vero showing her android phone with a furrowed eyebrow.

"Alright, enough! It's just a phone anyway" Lauren said and Dinah get the phone out of Lauren's hand for a selfie.

"Hey! Be careful! It's new and if I break it my mom will kill me" Lauren told Dinah.

"Come here! Let's take a selfie on this new phone of yours!" Dinah hugging Lauren and Vero came over.

"Let's post it" Dinah excitedly going to Lauren's apps

"Laur, you all have the social media apps but can you please log in so I can post our beautiful selfies?!"

"Fine, give it to me.."

As soon as she logs in to her accounts.. so many notification shows up but she ignore it and hand the phone back to Dinah.

Dinah posting the pictures and since there are so many notifications coming in. Dinah accidentally check one notif.

It was a notification from Normani's uploaded video. People keep on tagging Lauren to it since most of the campus knows they are bff or something.

"Oh shit! What's this..." As Dinah put the sound on speaker and watch the video.

Lauren and Vero went over to Dinah and watched the video....

"Holy shit!!!!" Vero exclaimed!

"I never knew Mila is this good!!!" Dinah

"She must have been in love!!!"

Lauren froze.... Shocked. Mesmerized.

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