Chapter 2 - Audition

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Camila woke up at 6am and the first thing that came up to her mind was the audition. Though she used to dance in high school. This time she feels different, because it's college and feels like so many people will watch her and it gives her a bit of nervousness. On the other hand, she felt relieve because Shawn is her partner in this audition and she is very comfortable with him. She sends text message to Shawn.

Camila: Hey Shawny!!! Good morning! Are you ready for later?!

Shawn: Hey Mila! Sup! You woke up too early.. Anyway, I am always ready ;)

Camila: tbh I am a bit nervous, I don't know why I am like this. :|

Shawn: you know, don't be. You are gorgeous and I know once they saw you dance. They will probably won't let you go.

Camila: Thanks Shawn! You too. You are also good. I won't get any other partner in dancing. It's only you that I trust in those kind of sexy moves lol.

Shawn: ugh! Mila I have to go to the shower. See you at school. Bye!


"Hey! Camila! How are you?! Today is your audition... So care to share some tea?" Normani smirking at her. While Camila is at her locker getting some books.

"You just watch later" Camila winks at her. Then closing her locker
"Ok! Fine. Good luck" Normani nudge her. And they both went to their classroom.

While Ms. Lovato is giving them a lecture, Camila is stomping her feet from slow to a high speed. Normani notices it and she path Camila's forearm saying "Hey, Mila relax. Don't think about it. I know you'll do good so relax." Camila smiles at her and started to relax a bit.

After her classes, at around 3:30pm they went to the auditorium for the audition. Camila saw the students who are also going on for an audition. She also saw some of her classmates, actually all of them. It was Friday and it is also the day of their PE. Mr. Cowell their P.E Professor is also the adviser of the dance club so he made the whole class an audience to the audition. This makes Camila more nervous. Aside from their class, there are also some people she doesn't recognize. Until she saw Shawn waving at her.

Camila calms down and breathe naturally once she saw Shawn.

They watch a girl dancing to a Lady Gaga's song and she nailed it. Her name is Cardi.

Then a group of 4 boys and they called themselves The Vamps. They also nailed it.

Then it's time for Camila and Shawn.

"Let's do this!!!" Camila said to Shawn and he nods and path her back.

To show the pop side of her: (something like this) - Sweet dreams by Beyonce **ctto**

To show her creativity and some of her ballet: (something like this) - for Crazy in Love (50 shades of Grey) **ctto**

While they were dancing the second part. Camila's classmate were so focused on her. Camila dances gracefully and meaningful. She gave the song a meaning on this dance and she gave it all. Shawn on the other hand gave his all too. He loves dancing with Camila and giving his emotion with it too.

Not knowing... A green eyed girl was walking on the hallway, she heard the music loudly and started to peek at the door out if curiosity. She saw this girl dancing gracefully and meaningfully... shocked and amazed by the girl's moves and the way she dances. Unaware of her appearance her jaw dropped, eyes wide while watching the girl and her heart thumps faster... Then someone called her name... "Hey Lauren! What are you doing there?! Coach is looking for you" the girl running towards Lauren.

"Oh! Vero! Look here..." She move her head towards the auditorium

"Ooohhh... That was hot! Hmmmm you like her, don't you?!" Vero teasing her...

"Shut up!" Lauren stayed until the dance ended. "Come on.. let's go" before closing the door, Lauren glances at Camila and leave with so many thoughts on her head.

After the dance, Camila and Shawn got a standing ovation and a loud and whistling students are getting wild in the audience. It's her classmates. Normani is so proud and hug her once she went back to the seat in front. Mr. Cowell on the other hand was so amaze and clapping his hands non stop.

Camila made it to the dance group as well as the others... Camila started to get famous and gain popularity...

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