Chapter 21 - Caminah

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***So I reread the chapters and I wasn't aware that chapter 16 was posted first before chapter 15? Wattpad messed up! Anyway so I'll continue with this story now since I am in the hospital and I don't have someone to talk to. Please bear with my typos and spelling as I am not really reading the whole chapter after I made it.***

"Have you seen that?!!!? She is singing for you!!!" Vero said while she's shaking Lauren's shoulder.

"Well well Laur you better do something" Dinah smiling to the two.

Lauren just sigh...

"You know, we don't know who she sing that song for... Maybe it is for Shawn? And yeah seeing her sing like that... My heart is melting but I don't know... I want to protect myself from doing such things when I got hurt again.. you both know that, right?"

"Laur, I thought you are not that same person when Keana left you? Prove it Laur.. that girl loves you I know I can see it" Dinah hold and hugs her.

"So are you up to talk to her?!" Vero asked.

Lauren just shrugged ..

I don't know... Let's see...

Weekend comes...

Camila's POV

I really don't know why Lauren still won't reply to me... I am really going crazy now... What I have done?? I really need to do something...

Camila: Hi Dinah. How are you?
Dinah: Hi Mila! Sup?!

Camila: Ok. I'll just go straight to the point. Why does Lauren not answering my messages and calls? And I haven't seen her in school for few days now.

Dinah: Oh that?! Well Laur broke her phone and she doesn't have phone for days and she also got sick that's why u can't see her in school.

Camila: Oh yeah.. I remember she's sick but why do I feel like she's avoiding me?

Camila: Dinah?! U there?
Camila: well I knew it something is really off... Dinah.. please tell me... I'm going crazy... I don't know what I did?
Dinah: Meet me at Starbucks near our school at 4pm.

Dinah's POV

I need to do this for Laur. I know she's just being hard on Camila and herself... But I just can't see my friend like this.

Dinah is making her way to Starbucks because it is almost 4pm.

She made it on time. Camila is sitting and drinking her frappe. Camila bought Dinah a drink too.

"Hey, I hope you also like frappe and I don't know what you like so I just go for the basic which is vanilla" Camila is offering Dinah the frappe shyly.

"It doesn't matter as long as it's free. Thank you" Dinah sipping the frappe and sat down in front of Camila.

"Ok so Dinah, what is happening with Lauren?" Camila asked Dinah seriously.

"Well, before anything else... Tell me honestly, are you and Shawn a thing?"

Camila furrowed her eyes.

"So.." Dinah waiting for an answer.

"Why do you think were a thing? No were not... We're just friends" Camila feels like choking.

"Are you sure about that?" Dinah firmly asked her and crossing her arm on her chest.

"Of course! We're nothing but friends. Why are you asking?" Camila getting irritated.

"Well, Lauren is acting the way she's acting right now because she saw both of you hugging like there's no tomorrow. Vero and I saw it too.... We just can't believe what we saw. It looks like you two are a thing. To think that the place that you two were having a moment is a placed where almost no one is going. So we assumed both of you are a thing and really Mila the way it looks... I actually believe it's real" Dinah explained.

Camila zoned out... She doesn't know what to say because even if she saw Lauren with someone hugging like that she will also think that something is going on with them.

"Ohhhh My God I need to explain to her I need to talk to her about it." Camila speaks loudly and people stares at them.

"Shh relax... Ok now I know the truth.. why you two were hugging like that?" Dinah curiously asked.

"Well it's because I was pissed with Brad. Brad likes Lauren and he mocks me that Lauren will not ever like me... So I walked outside and Shawn saw me... And that rest is what you saw that day... " Camila cut it short.

Dinah nods..

"Ok, well thanks for the coffee" Dinah stands up and about to leave when Camila stop her.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Camila holds Dinah's hand and pull her down.

"Don't you wanna talk to Lauren?"

"Wait you mean, you'll help me?"


Camila jumps to her seat and hugged Dinah so tight.

*** Sorry this is a short story and I don't proof read so yeah... As I've said I was bored in the hospital but nurses and doctors keeps on coming back so I need to finish this real quick. I don't know when's the next chapter and sorry this is a filler... More of camren in the up coming chapter.... ***

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